Apex Legends Player Gets Pathfinder Voice Actor To Compliment Girlfriend For Anniversary

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An image of Pathfinder in Apex Legends.

When they’re not contemplating going on strike because of issues with the game or calling for Gibraltar to be nerfed, Apex Legends players can be pretty wholesome people.

After all, who doesn't love a real-life meetup with the gang of buddies who’ve spent hours with you in the Apex trenches, building up the kind of deep relationships usually reserved for rom-coms?

One Apex boyfriend certainly seems to care about their relationship, having decided to commemorate their one-year anniversary in a way that their fellow Apex-loving girlfriend found quite enchanting.

Apex Girlfriend Blown Away By Pathfinder Cameo

Posting to begin a thread about this wholesome event in the Apex Legends subreddit, the girlfriend in question, user kathlachatte, shared the clip of Pathfinder voice actor Chris Edgerly delivering a message from their boyfriend Dylan, captioning it: “Pathfinder telling me I'm the best girlfriend ever.”

The responses to this post saw a number of other players wonder whether they’d be able to get similar messages from Apex voice actors, with user Pawdy-The-Furry saying: “wait the voice actors do cameos for people?!”, prompting kathlachatte to reply: “I don't know if they all do it but a couple of them (do).”

Some players who’ve made Pathfinder their legend of choice found the cameo to be a little surreal, with user Ok_Shopping_9025 saying: “I was waiting for (him to say) ‘you could have killed my friends, friend’, leading kathlachatte to retort: “I really wanted the ‘I love loot!’

Another user pointed out that their name is the same as kathlachatte’s, leading the poster to say: “close your eyes and feel free to think that pathfinder is saying that to you.”

Other users simply appreciated how wholesome the whole thing is and wished the couple well in their relationship, with slapurmother saying: “Just listening to this brings me joy, can't imagine how happy you are right now. Good luck to your relationship!” and Fawfs2 adding: “Man I should've done this with my ex. Sounds like you got an awesome boyfriend!”

User Captain_Floop said something similar, but also answered questions that no one asked by saying: “I'm not gay, but god I wish I had your boyfriend so I could get this video.
Keep him.”

Regardless of whether or not you’re craving an Apex Cameo from someone special, make sure to follow us for more updates on Apex Legends Season 14.

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