Angry Joe Calls Battlefield 2042 The "Worst" Series Launch Ever

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Battlefield 2042 has had a worrying launch and streamers have felt that. Shroud highlighted the imbalance in gameplay through bloom and how it "rewards worse players".

And now Angry Joe (via his YouTube channel) has expressed his main issues with DICE's next-generation shooter. From overpowered gameplay mechanics to simple exclusions like in-game scoreboards, the list goes on.

Read More: Dr Disrespect Is Not In Battlefield 2042 Launch Due To Ban by EA and Blames Twitch

Angry Joe Calls Battlefield 2042 The "Worst" Series Launch Ever

As per Angry Joe fashion, the YouTuber went on a lengthy discussion about the game, calling it the worst launch in the series' history:

This is the worst battlefield launch that I have ever been through.
Two cars driving in a dusty terrain.
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Credit: EA

He had a lot to say about the game, noting issues with the expansive maps, server problems, and also the lack of a scoreboard to check in-game stats:

The call-in system has completely ruined the game. The vehicles are too powerful and they dominate the entire experience.

It seems like many players share a similar feeling, as Battlefield 2042 is in the top 10 worst user-reviewed Steam games of all time and is currently at number 12.

List of bottom-rated steam games.
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Credit: Steam

DICE and EA have unveiled a host of new patches to address some of these problems, while more are on the way before the year's end. Angry Joe's full video goes into detail about his issues with Battlefield 2042.

I have played it and honestly, the foundation is there for a solid game but just needed a little more time in the oven. What do you think? Does Battlefield live up to the status many are placing on it, or has the situation just spiraled out of control?

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