Ricochet Claims Warzone Cheating Is at "All-time Low"

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Cheating in Warzone isn't anything new. Since the battle royale launched in March 2020, players are using all kinds of third-party software in a bid to gain an unfair advantage over the opposition.

In addition to the Caldera map, the Ricochet anti-cheat also launched as Activision began taking the fight to those using cheats and those providing them.

As Season 2 progresses amid claims the number of cheaters is increasing, the team behind the anti-cheat has provided an update, revealing levels of cheating in Warzone is at an "all-time low."

Warzone Ricochet Anti-cheat update
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Warzone Ricochet Update

In a blog post published on February 18, Team Ricochet stated a "significant drop of in-game cheat reporting," much to the delight of the community that's finally seeing some form of action being taken. In addition to the decrease, the team confirmed that those suspected of cheating won't deal damage during matches.

While Activision is seemingly happy with the progress, numerous players were quick to criticise the anti-cheat failing to stop hackers from ruining matches.

On one hand, it's clear that Ricochet has made a dent in the war against cheaters but on the other, work still needs doing to prevent levels of cheating reaching those seen in Verdansk.

Will Ricochet Stop Warzone Cheaters?

It's very difficult to completely rid Warzone of every single cheater but Ricochet has managed to make an impact. As updates to the anti-cheat continue, the number of cheaters will drop to minimal levels, making Warzone a relatively cheat-free experience for those dropping into Caldera and Rebirth Island.

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