Axie Infinity Breeding: How To Breed In Axie Infinity, And How Much Does It Cost?

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Breeding an Axie is one of the most significant parts of Axie Infinity, but how does it all work?

Axie Infinity breeding allows players to produce offspring of their digital pets, commonly referred to as Axies, to commence the game further - through using these new Axies, or selling them.

However, breeding an Axie is a complex task that requires a bit of supervision, and goes beyond the starting guide for Axie Infinity. The player needs to have prior knowledge on how to combine traits of two Axies to produce a strong offspring that can help them take the lead in-game. Here's what you need to know.

Requirements For Breeding An Axie

Before breeding two Axies together, a scholar needs to have:

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How To Breed An Axie In Axie Infinity

To breed your own Axie, you can follow these steps mentioned below:

  • Go to your Axie Inventory via the Dashboard.
  • Select the first Axie that you want to breed, and select the Breed button.
  • The button will redirect you to a new window. Click on the other Axie that you wish to breed your first Axie with.
  • Once selected, click on the Let's Breed button to commence the breeding process.

Once through with the process, you will get a notification informing him about the egg that has been produced via breeding. The egg will require 24 hours to hatch.

The Axie born after 24 hours will be first bred as a larva, which will later transform into a petite, where you can finally see its class traits and genes. After 48 hours, a petite is morphed into an Axie, the highest and the adult form of the offspring. They will require scholars to pay a small fee to complete the morphing process.

What Are Genetics And Mutations In The Axie Infinity Breeding System?

Each Axie possesses 18 genes which are equally distributed in its six body parts and shape. There are three genes that an Axie possesses in every part known as Dominant, recessive, and minor recessive. The dominant gene is a significant one as it gets to decide which body part will be physically present in Axie which is about to be born.

Mutations in Axie Infinity can be defined as a process when a gene completely transforms into a random body part that was not inherited from its parents. Mutations usually occur with a 10% chance, particularly in 6 recessive genes and 6 extremely recessive genes.

How Much Does It Cost To Breed Axie?

Axie Infinity players will now need to pay more to breed their valuable Axies, after an update from Sky Mavis tripled the fees.

To breed Axies, a player must have 0.5 AXS (previously 1 AXS) and a varying amount of SLP, depending on the breeding count of that Axie. These costs are as follows:

Breed Count Total SLP Cost

Following the breeding fee adjustments in December 2021, the price of SLP increased by some 19%.

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