Id Software's Latest Title Will Be A VR Game

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Id Software, developers of the DOOM franchise, will release a new title codenamed "Project 2021A" in the coming months, according to a rating from The Australian Classification Board (thanks, PCGamesN).

The game has received an R18+ classification, with references to both "high impact" violence and strong themes – pretty much the exact classification of DOOM Eternal, the developer's 2020 release.

Specifically noted to be absent are drug use, nudity, and sex.

Id Software's Latest Title Will Be A VR Game

This has prompted suggestions that DOOM Eternal is about to get a VR overhaul, much like DOOM 2016 did with 2017's DOOM VFR – a surprisingly fun, gory romp in virtual reality.

Considering DOOM Eternal's extended platforming sections, though, you might want to bring a sick bag with you just in case.

It's worth noting that Id Software is now an Xbox Game Studio following Microsoft's acquisition of Bethesda, but Xbox Series S/X (and Xbox One) have no VR functionality – at least at present.

Interestingly, the rating also notes that there will be "online interactivity", which may mean there's a multiplayer aspect involved.

As PCGamesN notes, it could also be a new Quake title, since that game would fit with similar themes as those noted in the rating.

DOOM Eternal was nominated for Game of the Year 2020, and can be found on Xbox Game Pass for console and PC.

It's also available for PS4, Switch and PC.

Check out our review of the Ancient Gods DLC Part 1 here.

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