Fallout 76 Nuke Codes This Week (February 2022): Alpha, Bravo, Charlie Silo Codes

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Wasteland wanderers are once again on the hunt for Nuke codes across Appalachia. If you're new to the game and yet to experience the thrill of launching weapons of mass destruction it's quite a sight to behold.

Even if you don't launch the nuke yourself, someone on your server might, creating huge blast zones that are radiated for up to four real-world hours in the game. These nuclear blast zones can be fantastic for picking up top-tier loot, but they're also rather challenging. The equivalent of end-game content stacked numerous high-level irradiated monsters.

So you'll want to make sure you're suitably levelled up and tooled to meet the challenge.

How To Launch Nukes In Fallout 76?

Unsurprisingly it's not easy launching a nuclear warhead, even in video games.

In Fallout 76 there's a series of steps you must first complete before you're given the power to press that big red button of doom.

We've tried to condense this into the main steps just below, but if this is your first time, you might want to dig out a more in-depth guide if you're starting from scratch.

  1. Join the Enclave faction.
  2. Complete the following missions: 'Back to Basic' and 'Officer on Deck'
  3. Access Whitespring Bunker to get the 'I Am Become Death' mission. This also marks new locations of interest on your map, needed to launch the nuke
  4. Next retrieve a Nuclear Keycard from shooting a Cargobot (Note: they're protected by Vertibots)
  5. Find eight nuclear codes scattered across the map. You normally find them from killing Scorched or Feral Ghoul officers.
  6. Decrypt the nuclear code fragments to arm the Nuclear Keycard
  7. Clear out the nuclear silo and then use the Nuke terminal
  8. Select your desired location for where you want to detonate the nuke
  9. Equip your Hazmat Suit, Gas Mask or Power Armor to stop radiation poisoning
  10. Explore your nuke blast zone and be prepared to face higher-difficulty enemies

It's also worth noting that should you detonate a nuke at a Fissure Site, it will also create a Scorched Earth event; this is where you can fight a Scorchbeast queen.

Such is the difficulty of this event that it is recommended that you use a high-level character in a group of eight or more players. Good Luck!

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Fallout 76 Nuke Codes This Week

The Nuke Codes for this week (February 25 to March 4) can be found below:

  • Alpha: 89749398
  • Bravo: 54136257
  • Charlie: 56648960

What Time Do Fallout 76 Nuke Codes Reset?

The Fallout 76 nuke codes only last for one week. Codes reset on Friday at 7pm CT, which is normally 12am GMT for those in the UK.

The next reset will take place on March 4 at 7pm CT, which is actually March 5 at 12am GMT.

We will update this article again when the new Fallout 76 Nuke Codes become available. Have fun!

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