Apex Legends players debate actual value of Battle Pass

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An image of Apex Legends' battle pass.

The players of Apex Legends can be pretty enthusiastic about their game of choice, assuming it’s breaking all-time playership records.

However, when it dares to do things that they don’t like, such as making it possible for Gibraltar to become an unstoppable bubble machine, refusing to fill legendary packs with cool rewards or giving Horizon faces for eyes, the Apex community isn’t shy in broadcasting its complaints loudly or even planning a strike.

Currently drawing the ire of some of these hardened battle royale veterans is the game’s battle pass, which many seem to believe could do with a bit of an upgrade.

How do you feel about the state of Apex’s battle pass?

Posting to begin a thread on this topic in the Apex Legends subreddit, user DudeWithName shared an image of the Apex battle pass next to those of other games like Fortnite and Rainbow Six Siege, captioning it: “Does anyone find Apex’s Battle pass Enjoyable? Compared to other games Apex’s feels like a slog to get through and it doesn’t have enough good content to justify how long it takes.”

The majority of the Apex community responded to this agreeing with DudeWithName’s take, with user _MarcelinesFries simply saying: “the pass is pretty bad honestly” and Zealousideal_Side856 adding: “the rewards suck.”

Thankfully, other users went into slightly more detail regarding their concerns, with HecklerVane saying: “Apex has way too many stupid filler items like season trackers that (are) pretty much obsolete after the season ends and useless rare skins.”

They also added: “Even filler items from Siege and For Honor's battle passes are way better, but at least Apex's battle pass gave you more than enough to purchase the next one.”

User Petequo offered a similarly mixed view, saying: “Apex's battle pass has always been not fun, imo, but at least it's not super grindy. I heard that Fortnite's battle pass had way more levels when you rank up faster. I wouldn't know, though.”

On the other hand, user LiverPoisoningToast made their opinion pretty clear, saying: “Apex easily has the WORST battle pass system of any battle royale (game) I’ve played. The only redeeming thing about it is you make more apex coins than you spend.”

Meanwhile, user BootyChedder shared that they’ve pretty much given up on Apex's battle pass, explaining: “I stopped caring. I'm gonna be 34 next month, I know I already peaked at Apex a while ago, but still love to get on with the homies a couple times a week. I'm not finishing any battle passes anymore and that's fine.”

Regardless of whether you’ve given up on the game’s battle pass, make sure to follow us for more updates on Apex Legends Season 14.

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