Apex Legends debuts new legend Conduit ahead of Ignite launch for Season 19

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Newest legend in Apex Legends, Conduit

Following a season dedicated to the rework of an older character, Apex Legends has just launched its newest short ahead of Season 19, revealing the newest character to join its ever-growing roster: Conduit.

Season 16 saw Apex Legends putting a halt to new character additions with the last new face to join the ranks being Ballistic in Season 17.

Season 18, was all about Revenant Reborn, a fresh take on the terrifying simulacrum that's haunted Loba's nightmares. Developer Respawn was keen to focus on an ever-evolving meta instead of saturating the battleground with more and more legends, but the time has come for some fresh blood to be shed.

The name Conduit shouldn't come as any surprise to long-time fans of Apex Legends. She was actually leaked well over 4 years ago by infamous dataminer Shrugtal, and now we get to finally find out what she's all about.

Conduit was finally debuted via the newest Story From The Outlands. This has long been a method of distributing fresh lore to the masses, offering new information with each short. This particular short showcases Conduit's background, where she grew up in rural Philippines, and how she came to be the newest Apex Legend.

Inspired by the hulking Monarch Titan that saved both her life and that of her community when she was a child, as well as her older sister's dedication to providing for their family, Conduit is a rising flame in the infamous battle royale. You can check out the Story From The Outlands short below.

Conduit makes the ultimate sacrifice by utilising the irradiated remains of the Monarch Titan's battery. She trades her future health for the opportunity to look after her remaining family and become a legendary staple in the battlegrounds.

Since this is just a lore video, we don't have any confirmed abilities for Conduit yet. However, as she was leaked so long ago, we do know what they could be. We've detailed the previously leaked information on her passive, tactical, and ultimate abilities below.

  • Tactical - Arc Flash: Deals damage to Conduit's own shields in order to provide targeted allies an overshield.
  • Passive - Capacitance: Conduit's base health is 50 health and 50 shield, instead of 100 health. Conduit gradually regenerates shields over time, much like Wattson.
  • Ultimate - Short Circuit: Conduit channels her shields into a giant arc ball, stealing shields from enemies.

We don't know what class Conduit will fall into, whether that be Assault, Skirmisher, Recon, Controller, or Support. But for a long time, fans have been begging for a new Support legend, so with the aid of her shield abilities, perhaps we'll get a new healer on the roster.

These are old leaks, of course, but be sure to check back with us regularly, as we'll keep this article updated with any new information we get on Apex Legend's newest character.

But there you have it, that's everything we know about Conduit. If you're after even more information on Apex Legends, we have a full legend tier list that details the current meta. It'll be interesting to see where Conduit ranks!

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