Blood Bowl 3 Gets Delayed to Improve Its Quality

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Blood Bowl 3's early access was delayed last October, and now, publisher Nacon announced that the game is facing another setback. Blood Bowl 3 is delayed until later 2022 now, though Nacon didn't provide a specific time frame (thanks Nintendo Everything).

The announcement coincided with the reveal of Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong's delay to May 2022; Vampire was originally planned for release in February 2022. Blood Bowl 3's early access was supposed to take place last September, but unfortunately moved to February 2022 to maintain its "quality of game experience," though what specific aspects needed more attention wasn't mentioned.

Blood Bowl 3 Gets Delayed to Improve Its Quality

When it does launch, here's what to expect from Blood Bowl 3:

Strap on your boots, don your helmet, adjust your shoulder guards and chest plate… and slip a sharpened dagger into your belt (it’s the rules).
Blood Bowl III is the video game of fantasy football. A turn-based strategy game inspired by American football in the Warhammer fantasy world where elves, humans, orcs and other creatures fight for the ball with shoulder charges, kicks, punches and weapons of varying degrees of lethality (and legality by the ref).
Your team, your call!
As the coach, you must give instructions to your players: hinder the progress of your opponents by positioning them in your tackle zone, knock down those who get in your way, and break through to your opponents’ end zone to score a touchdown!
All your units can gain experience and receive statistic bonuses or new skills. However, be careful: injuries are common, especially when the referee is a goblin who tends to overlook most forms of violence. Some players may even leave the field limp and lifeless, putting an early and definitive end to their careers.

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