Call of Duty to Receive Fallout Crossover in Season 4

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  • Season 4 update of Call of Duty: MW3 and Warzone might bring a crossover with Fallout.
  • There is a lot of excitement about what this crossover will bring to the game.
  • This collaboration could potentially attract a new audience to CoD.

Call of Duty often sees major updates, including new seasons and new content. Some of these updates include crossovers, which bring content from other popular franchises.

A similar crossover is rumoured to be seen in the near future. This crossover would include Fallout, a post-apocalyptic role-playing video game. This rumour has excited fans of both franchises.

Some data miners found hints in the game files that suggest there might be a crossover with Fallout in the upcoming season 4 update of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone.

This leak was revealed by a Twitter account called CODWarfareForum.

Season 4 brings the following




Since both the games, CoD and Fallout, are now owned by Microsoft, this leaked information is very likely to be true.

No further details about this collaboration were shared, making the fans wonder what this crossover will look like and how it will change the game, but we might see some characters from Fallout appearing in CoD, as well as some skins and other cosmetics.

This crossover could further promote the Fallout show on Amazon's Prime, which has already been a huge success.

This update might also see some other crossovers, including Gundam, a popular franchise about giant robots, and The Crow, a movie that is soon expecting a remake. This could be a great way to promote the return of The Crow.

Unfortunately, there is no information on what these crossovers will bring to the game. We might see them in the form of bundles or as an in-game experience. In either case, these collaborations will surely help CoD gain a new audience.

A lot of exciting changes can be expected in the upcoming update, which will hopefully improve the gaming experience. Let’s hope that the developers soon make an official announcement regarding season 4 and these awaited crossovers.

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For more articles like this, take a look at our Gaming News , Call of Duty , Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 , and Fallout pages.