Diablo 4 launch sees many players plagued by frustrating licence errors

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Lilith in Diablo 4.
Credit: Blizzard.

With Diablo 4 having arrived in early access last night, ahead of its full release on June 6, many of its fans spent yesterday counting down the hours until they could head back into hell and start scything their way through enemies.

While some chose to pass the time by reading as many reviews as possible, trying to plan out which class and build they want to adopt for their first playthrough or organising a party of friends to accompany them in their adventures, it seems that not all of them got to put this preparation into practice as soon as the game opened its doors.

As reported by Kotaku, vast hordes of players attempting to boot up Blizzard’s latest release have run into an annoying roadblock in the form of launch error messages that informed them the game was “unable to find a valid licence” for itself.

Have you encountered any error messages while trying to jump into Diablo 4’s early access?

As you can see in the Tweet below, the error, which bears the reference code 315306, left many players on PlayStation and some on Xbox who’d shelled out for the more expensive Digital Deluxe or Ultimate Editions of the game, part of the sales pitch of which was the chance to dive in during the early access period, unable to do so.

Thankfully, those attempting to jump into the game via other platforms, such as PC, were seemingly unaffected by the issue, which Blizzard quickly identified and confirmed that it was looking into.

In the meantime, a couple of potential fixes for the problem were unearthed by players, with some finding that making an in-game currency purchase through the game’s store or downloading any free game, such as the monthly ones included in PlayStation Plus subscriptions, from the PlayStation store, could grant them access to Diablo 4.

Diablo and Blizzard Global Community Development Director Adam Fletcher has since put out an update post on the game’s forums saying: “Our teams and our partners have done some work to help mitigate this issue. If you’re still experiencing the licensing issue, we ask that you provide as much detail as possible which leads to the error as we continue to work on this with our partners.”

Unfortunately, as of writing, it seems that some players are still being afflicted by the problem, with the most recent posts in the forum discussion about it being a mixed bag of people who still can’t get in and others who’ve managed to do so.

Regardless of how your plans to dive into Diablo 4 as soon as possible have played out, make sure to follow us for an array of guides to everything from quests, to bosses and even its upcoming seasons.

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