Diablo 4 player explains how to one shot both phases of the game’s toughest boss fight

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Lilith and a necromancer in Diablo 4.
Credit: Blizzard.

Since Diablo 4 arrived early last month, those who approached it with the perfect build in mind and plenty of spare time have been making great progress towards their goal of burying Hell beneath a mountain of corpses.

While some players have taken some time out from grinding to help one of the game’s voice actors find their lines or appreciate the emotional message of a side quest, others have kept their pedal to the metal in order to reach level 100.

With the game’s first season fast approaching, some of the hardcore hellspawn who haven’t been busy creating their own party finding and enchanting outcome predicting tools have been discovering builds that can dish out obscene amounts of damage, with one of these overpowered characters having managed to beat Uber Lilith in just two hits.

Have you managed to defeat a Diablo 4 boss in a manner this satisfying yet?

As spotted by GamesRadar, YouTuber Struth Gaming’s recent encounter with the fearsome boss ended in incredibly quick fashion, with both of Lilith’s phases being stopped in their tracks by a single uber-powerful hit.

If you’re wondering how Struth Gaming managed to score such a devastating kill, they’ve since explained their method in another video, revealing that the key is to outfit a Blood Orb Necromancer build with the Blood Artisan’s Cuirass and the Bone Spirit ability.

“What’s interesting about (Bone Spirit) is that there is no limit to how many blood orbs you can consume,” the YouTuber said, continuing: “There’s no internal cooldown or anything like that, which means you can store up unlimited damage so long as you can generate enough blood orbs.”

Since the orbs currently don’t expire if you stay close to them, Struth Gaming was able to take advantage of the fact that the Lilith boss fight doesn’t begin immediately after you enter the room in which it takes place to build up a massive supply of blood orbs, therefore “banking” huge amounts of damage, before actually jumping into the battle.

However, in the video's description, they warn that the strategy could well be nerfed at some point soon, so if you want to take advantage of it to avenge all of the times Lilith has wiped the floor with your characters, you’d probably better do so ASAP.

Regardless of whether you’re now casually creating an obscene amount of orbs while Lilith watches on with a confused expression, make sure to follow us for an array of Diablo 4 guides to everything from strongholds to world bosses.

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