Fallout 4 modder brings Call of Duty’s customizable SCAR assault rifle to The Commonwealth

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Call of Duty's Scar assault rifle in Fallout 4.

When they’re not preparing for Christmas, playing post-apocalyptic dress-up, or desperately hunting for Nuka Cola, Fallout 4 players can often be found in the middle of some rather intense gunfights.

While these situations can be easy to handle if you have a follower that can handle business or throw mini-nukes like an NFL quarterback, it never hurts to invest in some military-style gear that can help stop raiders from crippling your limbs.

If your Sole Survivor often finds themselves down on firepower or looking for a weapon to go with their tactical armour, a new mod, which brings one of Call of Duty’s most famous guns to the wasteland, might be of interest.

Want to bring a taste of Modern Warfare to your next Fallout 4 playthrough?

The mod in question is called ‘MW2022 - Scar Family’ and is the work of modder WarfightersWorkshop. A lot of their previous modding work has also been focused around increasing the firepower on offer to the Sole Survivor, having brought the likes of the M4 and the PP19 Bizon to Fallout 4.

This time, they’ve decided to deliver Modern Warfare (2022)’s SCAR assault rifle to the game, porting over everything from sounds to animations to ensure that you’ll be getting the authentic COD experience, as you can see in the video below.

They’ve also integrated the gun into Fallout 4’s crafting system, ensuring that once you’ve assembled the base model at a chemistry station, you can modify it into a host of different variants, including the SCAR-L, SCAR-H and SCAR SSR.

Alternatively, if you want to straight to the firing range, you can simply add the gun into your inventory using console commands.

No matter the option you choose, you’ll need to grab both henkspamadres’ ‘See-Through-Scopes Framework’ and Bwones’ ‘Tactical Reload’ beforehand.

Regardless of whether your Sole Survivor is now plastering cardboard cutouts with bullets, make sure to follow us for more updates on interesting mods like this one for Fallout, Skyrim, and Cyberpunk 2077. You can also check out our mods of the month for December.

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