Fallout London modder breaks down Starfield’s weapon animations

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A Starfield character aiming a gun and a character from Fallout London.
Credit: Bethesda/The Fallout London team.

Most of the hardcore Bethesda RPG fans who’ve invested thousands of hours into Skyrim and Fallout 4 can't wait for the release of Starfield.

Some are passing the time until September by reading the massive fan-created document that details the game’s history to this point, while others have been re-watching June’s Starfield Direct in search of subtle details they might have originally missed.

If you’re interested in the guns that’ll be on offer in space and how they might handle in a firefight with some interstellar pirates or hostile wildlife, a recent video from one of the modders that’s putting together Fallout London’s arsenal is definitely worth checking out.

What do you think of what you’ve seen of gunplay in Starfield to this point?

In the video, which you can watch in full below, modder Neeher picks out a number of clips from last month’s deep-dive that feature interesting character animations, dissecting some subtle ways in which they’re different to those seen in previous titles like Fallout 4.

Among the changes they point out are some adjustments to how blending between certain player movement animations, such as walking and firing a weapon, look to have been changed in ways that can make things more fluid or allow your first shot of an exchange to pack just as much oomph as the rest.

They also compare the physics of some parts of the weapons shown to their own weapon mods, specifically the ‘Select Shotgun’ and Fallout London’s Lewis Gun, revealing that, unlike a firearm shown in the Direct, the latter mod’s rotating magazine is designed to keep track of where it’s rotated to when the player stops firing.

As well as indicating that they’ll be looking forward to a see-through scopes mod for the game, Neeher indicates a couple of amusing animation miscues shown, such as “the classic NPC twisting a bolt with a wrench that isn’t actually there”.

The video also focuses in on some clips of NPCs, with the modder spotting that the body tracking animation demonstrated by Sarah Morgan as the player walks by looks more advanced than Fallout 4’s minor head movements.

Regardless of whether you’re now going back through the deep dive to check out some of the moments Neeher picked up on yourself, make sure to follow us for lots of guides to its world and mechanics.

You can also check out our latest mods of the month for some killer Skyrim and Fallout mods that’ll help tide you over until release.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Gaming News , Starfield , Role Playing Games , and Fallout pages.