The Top 10 Games That Cause Rage Quitting Revealed By New Survey

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We've all been there, haven't we?

You're playing a game, things aren't going your way, and you know it's time to take a break (for me, it's playing Valorant).

A new study from has revealed which games are most likely to cause rage quitting, and it's an impressive list.

Minecraft Most Likely To Cause 'Rage Quits' Among Gamers, Survey Reveals

Check out the top 10 below, with data drawn from both a survey conducted and thousands of Reddit comments (the number shown is the number of rage quitting comments).

  • Minecraft - 12,200
  • Call of Duty - 10,940
  • FIFA - 6,350
  • Battlefield - 4,710
  • Grand Theft Auto - 4,570
  • Counterstrike: Global Offensive - 3,540
  • Halo - 3,480
  • Fortnite - 3,450
  • Player Unknown's Battlegrounds - 2,680
  • Bloodborne - 2,650

It's interesting to see the family-friendly Minecraft in first-place, especially given the "sweatier" nature of Call of Duty and FIFA.

Speaking of Call of Duty, the reason most players quit is ridiculous kill shots – although with the ongoing problems caused by hackers, this could be another side of that.

The survey revealed that Bloodborne gets into the top 10 by virtue of its tough boss battles. It's also the only game on this list that is entirely single-player (aside from summoning other players).

According to the stats, 85% of gamers have quit a game, with 8% doing it after every loss.

In terms of platforms, PC gamers are top of the list, with 39% of them rage quitters, followed by PlayStation with 25% and Xbox with 14%.

Only 11 % of Nintendo players rage quit.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Gaming News , Fortnite , PUBG Mobile , Grand Theft Auto , Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War , FIFA 21 , Battlefield , Halo , and Minecraft pages.