AFK Journey Odie - Everything You Need to Know

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AFK Journey Odie on yellow and grey background
Credit: Farlight Games

AFK Journey is a mobile role-playing game where players assemble a team of heroes to battle enemies in various modes while progressing through the story, and if you're here, then you're probably wondering about AFK Journey Odie. Look no further, because we have you covered.

The unique aspect of AFK Journey is its automated gameplay mechanics, allowing players to progress even when they are not actively interacting with the game, living up to its name. By setting your team's composition with the best heroes, you can change strategies and formations to farm different battles for resources, even when you're AFK.

In this guide, find everything there is to know about Odie in AFK Journey including their abilities and more.

Who is AFK Journey Odie?

Odie is a high-level marksman belonging to the Maulers faction in AFK Journey. Known for his ability to deal significant continuous damage with his Dart Poison effect, Odie excels in battles against tough enemies and bosses.

In battle, Odie may seem lacklustre at first, but his damage output gradually becomes formidable over extended engagements. With his exclusive weapon, "Heart Crusher," Odie gains the ability to swiftly eliminate low-health enemies, making him a strong contender in late-game activities.

Overall, Odie is a versatile and potent DPS character, fitting well into teams struggling against tanky opponents, and his accessibility in the Dream Realm store simplifies the upgrading process.

AFK Journey Odie Abilities

Odie's abilities all revolve around his ability to poison enemies to keep high sustained damage over time, and refuelling his energy when a poisoned enemy is defeated allowing reliable snowballing in battle. By poisoning enemies first, Odie can use his skills to ramp up the amount of poison damage affecting your enemies exponentially.

You can check out the list of Odie's abilities below.

  • Corrosive Dart: Deals continuous poison damage to one enemy.
  • Triple Tap: Odie fires three normal attacks at an enemy
  • Venom Surge: Odie fires at the nearest poisoned enemy, increasing the base damage of the poison
  • Hero Focus (Legendary+): Increases ATK SPD in battle
  • Heart Crusher (Mythic+): Odie executes poisoned targets when their HP is low.
  • Enhance Force(Supreme+): Triple Tap becomes more lethal against poisoned targets.
AFK Journey Odie in game
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AFK Journey Odie Ability Upgrade Preview

If you want some of the in-depth info on Odie's abilities, you can find the details below.

Corrosive Dart: Odie fires a Corrosive Dart, dealing 150% damage and Dart Poison to an enemy. The poisoned target will receive 30% damage every second until defeated. Dart Poison cannot be dispelled. (Unlocked at level 1).

  • Level 2: Odie gains 600 Energy when a poisoned enemy is defeated but only 200 Energy if the enemy is a summoned unit. (Unlocked at Level 51)
  • Level 3: Increases damage to 200%. ( Unlocked at Level 111)
  • Level 4: Increases damage to 225%. (Unlocked at Level 171)
  • Level 5: Increases damage to 250%. (Unlocked at Level 231)

Triple Tap: Odie deals 60% damage to an enemy 3 times. Attacks are considered normal attacks. (Unlocked at level 11)

  • Level 2: Each normal attack of the Triple Tap deals 62% damage. (Unlocked at Level 71)
  • Level 3: Each normal attack of the Triple Tap deals 65% damage. (Unlocked at Level 131)
  • Level 4: Each normal attack of the Triple Tap deals 70% damage. (Unlocked at Level 191)

Venom Surge: Odie launches normal attacks to the nearest poisoned target in priority. If the normal attacks hit a poisoned enemy, the base damage of the target’s Dart Poison is permanently increased by 25%, up to 20 stacks. (Unlocked at Level 31)

  • Level 2: Expands the range of normal attacks and his Ultimate to 7 tiles. (Unlocked at Level 91)
  • Level 3: Increases Dart basic damage to 27%. (Unlocked at Level 151)
  • Level 4: Increases Dart basic damage to 29%. (Unlocked at Level 211)

Hero Focus: Increases ATK SPD by 21 during battle. (Unlocked after Legendary+)

  • Level 2: Increases ATK SPD by 27 during battle.
  • Level 3: Increases ATK SPD by 33 during battle.

Heart Crusher: Odie immediately defeats poisoned enemies when their HP falls below a certain limit, which is equal to 5.2 times the base damage dealt by Dart Poison per second. Each time a poisoned enemy hero is defeated, the limit is increased by 0.5 times the base damage dealt by Dart Poison per up to 2 times. (Unlock after Exclusive Equipment is activated)

  • Level 2: Exclusive Equipment: The limit is equal to 5.7 times the base damage of Dart Poison per second. (Reach Level 5 to unlock)
  • Level 3: Exclusive Equipment: Owns 600 initial Energy. (Reach Level 10 to unlock)
  • Level 4: Exclusive Equipment: The limit is equal to 6.2 times the base damage of Dart Poison per second. (Reach Level 15 to unlock)

Enhance Force: When Triple Tap hits a target, its damage is increased by 1.5 times the Dart damage dealt per second. (Unlocked after reaching Supreme+)

AFK Journey Odie Stats

Odie doesn't have any form of utility, which could be a reason for some players to skip him in their team formations. Still, Odie reliably makes up for this with very high sustain damage in longer fights against bosses or even groups of enemies and has the stats you would expect of any marksman, any stat not listed can be regarded as a zero. You can check them out below.

  • Range: 5
  • HP: 1523K
  • ATK: 157K
  • Phys Def: 24.262
  • Magic Def: 21.588
  • ATK SPD: 35.4%
  • Crit: 66.8%
  • Def Penetration: 5
  • Crit Resist: 26.6%

There you have it, Odie is a powerful marksman in AFK Journey, dealing consistent damage with his Dart poison. Smart use of his abilities and Heart Crusher makes him a formidable unit, especially in late-game challenges. This alone makes him a valuable ally to add to any roster. For info on other characters from AFK Journey, have a look at our AFK Journey Rowan guide as well as our AFK Journey Necrodrakon guide.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and AFK Journey page.