How to play Conduit in Apex Legends

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Apex Legends Conduit
Credit: Respawn Entertainment

Apex Legends has over 20 legends with unique abilities, including supports. Undoubtedly, one of the best characters in this class is Conduit, as she can significantly increase the survivability of the entire team. But to release her full potential, you need to use her skills correctly and on time. In this guide, we will tell you about Apex Legends Conduit, her abilities, and tips to make her shine in the match.

Conduit is a character who takes care of his teammates' shields. Of course, this doesn't mean you can't kill your opponents whenever possible. However, the character is most effective as a support during an Apex Legends match.

Before we take a closer look at Conduit, take a look at our guide on how to get the Buster Sword. On top of that, you can also check out our Apex Legends tier list highlighting the best legends to play.

Apex Legends Conduit abilities

Apex Legends Conduit
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Credit: Respawn Entertainment

Conduit was first introduced in Season 19 of Apex Legends and has since become one of the best support Legends. This is not surprising since her abilities can restore teammates' shields. In addition, she can create effective cover, which will both save you from enemy bullets and slow down your enemies. Let's have a closer look at her abilities.

Savior's Speed

Savior's Speed increases your sprint speed when you run toward an ally who is outside the range of the Tactical ability. The speed boost is 30%, which significantly increases your mobility during battle. However, you need to meet all the requirements to activate this passive ability:

  • Look at your ally until the speed-up icon appears above their head.
  • This ally must be further than 50m from you.
  • You must sprint to activate the passive. Unfortunately, sliding or walking won't work.

When all requirements are met, Conduit can sprint 30% faster. However, if you get closer than 50 metres to an ally or stop looking at them, the passive will stop working. Luckily it doesn't have a cooldown so you can use it regularly.

Radiant Transfer

Conduit can surge energy for itself and allies to temporarily regenerate shields, with a 25-second cooldown. The range of this ability is 50 meters, and it even goes through walls. When allies are in range, you see a shield above their heads that changes colour depending on their status:

  • White: Full shield
  • Green: Full temporary shield
  • Yellow: More than 50% shield
  • Red: Less than 50% shield

Radiant Transfer always affects you but has less effect than on allies. It is also important to note that the ability has three phases:

  1. Regenerating temporary shields - If an ally's shield is damaged or broken, it will regenerate as a temporary shield. The first phase lasts for 8 seconds.
  2. Shield hold - For 30 seconds, the temporary shield will work like a normal shield, but will not regenerate.
  3. Temporary shield decay - Temporary shields will begin to decay fast.

Energy Barricade

Conduit deploys seven shield-jamming devices that deal damage and slow enemies. You can choose where to throw the delivery device in the 45-meter range to use the ultimate. However, you have to wait 4 seconds for deployment. This way, you create a zone with a radius of about 10 meters that can hold enemies. Energy Barricade remains active for 60 seconds, or until it is destroyed.

It's also important to note that Ultimate can bounce off walls, which is quite effective indoors. In addition, it is also good at damaging health as well as shields.

Apex Legends Conduit tips and tricks

Apex Legends Conduit
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Credit: Respawn Entertainment

Watch the timing

As with other supports, when playing as Conduit you only need to use abilities when the situation calls for it. This is especially important in the case of Radiant Transfer. Therefore, if your allies have full shields, you should use a battery to regenerate your shield. Instead, wait until your allies' shields start taking damage.

Cover your allies

Conduit has no point in fighting on the frontlines. Therefore, you should be a little behind your team. This way, you can always keep an eye on their Shields and help finish off enemies if necessary. In addition, if you fall behind the others a little, Savior's Speed will help you quickly return to the team.

Use your ultimate in different ways

The Energy Barricade is a very versatile ability that can bring a lot of benefits to your team. Of course, it is useful for delaying a group of enemies. But the slowdown effect could be better, especially in open areas. At the same time, in rooms and narrow spaces, the ultimate can become an obstacle that will delay enemies or distract them.

That's everything you need to know about Conduit's abilities in Apex Legends. She is a great legend that can be effective in various combat scenarios.

There you have it, that's everything there is to know about Conduit in Apex Legends. While you're here, don't forget to take a look at our article showcasing all the ways you can get skins in Apex Legends.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Apex Legends page.