How to play Loba in Apex Legends

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Credit: Respawn Entertainment

Want to bag all the high-quality loot in-game? Then, it's time to learn how to play Apex Legends Loba, the cunning hustler who ensures her team has all the necessary supplies at all times, thanks to her tactical skillset.

Loba is a well-known support in Apex Legends who's highly praised for her mobility and a penchant for snatching up the best loots for her team. Her tactics are marvellous, making her gameplay engaging and a breeze for support-class enthusiasts.

If your gameplay is all about swiping up healthcare packs and loot as well as scouting out rare items, then our guide for Loba is for you.

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Credit: Reddit user u/mr_khaleel
Apex Legends Loba Skills

Apex Legends Loba abilities

Before we get on to our tips to play as Loba, let's acquaint ourselves with her skillset and how it makes her one of the best supports in Apex Legends.

Burglar’s Best Friend

Equip her jump drive bracket and throw it. After that, press Fire to have Loba teleport to wherever it lands. If you want Loba to teleport to a faraway location, wait a while after deploying the bracket before pressing Fire.

Eye for Quality

While playing Loba, you can scout out nearby epic and legendary loots through the walls within the 112.5-metre range. Loba can also ping items within 12 metres, allowing her teammates to access them easily.

Black Market Boutique

Loba starts each game with a 50% charge on her Ultimate ability. This is a portable device which everyone (teammates and enemy players) can access after 4.5 seconds.

Here, everyone can take two items and infinite ammunition. The items include medical supplies, attachments, EVO shields, weapons, and ordinances.

Using these skills at the right time and syncing them with your teammates' abilities can help you seek out and snatch crucial loot in no time.

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Credit: Survival Sandbox
Apex Legends Loba Playstyle

Apex Legends Loba strengths and weaknesses

As a support legend, Loba is a crucial member of any team composition. Her helpfulness in detecting, gathering, and offering Epic, Legendary, and even Mythic items never goes unnoticed.

With her in your team, you'll never miss out on high-quality items in your inventory. However, it's no surprise that Loba has her unique strengths and weaknesses, much like other Apex Legends characters. Knowing her strengths and drawbacks can help you curate a gameplay that helps her survive and plunder with ease.

Loba strengths

Loba ensures more and constant firepower for all her teammates. Thanks to her ultimate, the Black Market Boutique, you and your team remain fully stocked on ammo, medical supplies, upgrades, and more.

Moreover, you can always have your preferred weapons quicker because Loba has already detected it before late-game. Not to forget, she's faster on her feet thanks to her tactical ability, Burgler's Best Friend. It keeps her safe from enemy clutches and also lets her access faraway items in a snap.

Loba weaknesses

One of the issues with the Black Market Boutiques is that it's loud and can draw in enemies. It's also easy to destroy, so you need to find a safe spot to deploy it.

As for her Burglar's Friend ability, it's easy to follow and can land her in a precarious area with stronger enemies. This means you must be extra careful and gauge your surroundings before using this skill.

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Credit: Gamespot
Apex Legends Loba tips

Apex Legends Loba tips and tricks

Now that you have a clear understanding of how Loba works in Apex Legends, it's time to share some quick tips to amp up her gameplay.

Black Market Boutique trap

The Black Market Boutique might be easy to detect and destroy, but that's what makes it a perfect enemy hotspot. This means Loba can activate her skill to lure in enemies, trapping them inside while her teammates rush in for a swift kill.

Additionally, a teammate can set up traps in the same area, stunning, poisoning, and weakening all your enemies.

Jump up to escape

Why use Burglar's Best Friend to teleport horizontally when you can use it to move up vertically? All you have to do is look up, use your skill, and land yourself on a higher ground than your enemies. Moreover, these places are not easy to reach, so you buy yourself some time to plan out your next tactical step.

This trick comes in handy when Loba is low on health and can be an easy target. Make sure to throw the bracket at a proper angle and range to swoop yourself out of the situation.

All in all, Loba is one of the most useful support class characters in Apex Legends, with abilities to pull out the impossible and gather all required supplies for her teammates. With these tips, you can efficiently utilise her gameplay for fantastic victories.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Apex Legends page.