How to play Mirage in Apex Legends

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An image of Mirage from Apex Legends
Credit: Respawn Entertainment

Apex Legends is filled with a variety of diverse characters from different backgrounds and with unique abilities. One of these legends is Mirage who can create illusions and do some cloaking to sneak around the enemies, saving teammates from tight spots. We'll get to know more about him in this Apex Legends Mirage guide.

Creating chaos and mischief, Mirage can deceive his opponents and give players a chance to surprise enemies to level the playing field. From decoys to invisibility abilities, Mirage is certainly a master of disguise in Apex Legends.

But before we disappear into our guide, don't forget to browse through our other pieces on the game such as everything you need to know on the Harbingers update and peacekeeper stats, attachments, and skins.

Apex Legends Mirage abilities

An image of Mirage from Apex Legends using the Psyche Out ability.
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Credit: Respawn Entertainment

Mirage is known to be one of the least-picked Legends in the game. This is because of the skill level and difficulty in learning how to control him. However, once you get a grasp on Mirage, you'll be breezing through the battlefield with ease. You'll be able to make the most out of Mirage by following some of our tips and tricks here.

Now You See Me...

When your teammates are down and some reviving needs to be made, Mirage can turn himself and his allies invisible throughout the revival process and a few seconds after. Additionally, when Mirage himself is downed a clone of himself is spawned and he gets to turn invisible, giving a chance for him to escape. Do take note of the limits this ability has though:

  • When invisible, taking any kind of damage will cause you to flicker in and out of invisibility. Additionally, if you're using the ability outside of the ring, Mirage will flicker in and out.
  • Mirage's Holo Emitters become visible to players who are less than 5 meters away while cloaked.

Psyche Out

Here, Mirage releases a holographic clone that can confuse enemies. You can even control the clone from afar by mirroring Mirage's movements or leave the clone in an area as a decoy to bait enemies. This decoy can also display the locations of enemies upon being destroyed. To use this ability strategically, keep in mind these tips:

  • The decoy has only 45HP and only takes damage from gunfire and melee attacks.
  • The clone will also automatically vanish after 60 seconds or after spawning another decoy.
  • You can activate Psyche Out while skydiving and if you're with your squad, it can send out a full decoy squad while in flight.

Life of the Party

Combining both invisibility and cloning, this Ultimate ability of Mirage brings the best of both worlds as he spawns a team of controllable decoys to fool enemies. The decoys can mimic whatever Mirage is currently doing. Afterwards, Mirage will flicker in and out of invisibility for one second.

  • All the decoys spawned by this ability have 45HP each.
  • Holo Emitters will be visible to players who are less than 5 meters away.
  • Avoid using your weapons until the last minute as your clones don't mimic shooting animations in-game.

Apex Legends Mirage tips and tricks

An image of Mirage having one of his decoys being shot by an enemy player.
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Credit: Respawn Entertainment

Support your teammates as a reviver

Using Mirage's Passive ability is crucial in moments where you need to revive your teammates. While you may want to prioritize flanking your enemies, you should also be a good support to your team. As a Mirage player, you must be able to coordinate with your team to get downed players out of the gunfire and into safe revival.

Additionally, take advantage of intense battles. While everyone is busy shooting at each other, you can move downed allies to safer areas while everyone is distracted. This gives you and your teammates some time to reposition within the match.

Create chaos with your clones

Mirage's Ultimate can confuse enemies and bamboozle them on the battlefield. Be sure to use this ability wisely as randomly spawning your clones may allow your enemies to predict your movements and make you more open to their attacks.

Besides creating confusion on the map, your clones can also serve as your shields to lure out enemies. Just remember to do actions in-game that your decoys can mirror so they don't look too obvious as clones.

Keep your battles close to mid-range

The last thing you should keep in mind when playing as Mirage is to keep your battles close to mid-range. It isn't helpful if you go invisible or spawn your clones in open areas as enemies might catch you. Use your environment to hide behind structures to successfully enable your cloning or invisibility.

That wraps up this guide on Mirage from Apex Legends. From knowing his abilities and tips for using him, hopefully, you're more confident in trying him out in matches. While you're still here, take the time to read through our other pieces on Apex Legends such as our guide on Legend Tokens and our list of some of the best landing spots.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Apex Legends page.