How to play Vantage in Apex Legends

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An image of Vantage happily dancing in Apex Legends.
Credit: Respawn Entertainment

When playing Apex Legends, it helps to have a Recon teammate to gather intel on enemies. With Vantage, you'll have the necessary skills you need on enemy information and prioritizing targets. But these can only be maximized when you know how to use her abilities properly. In line with that, we've prepared this guide on Apex Legends' Vantage, her abilities, and tips for using her in-game.

As a Recon Legend, Vantage is designed to safely snipe from good distances during Apex Legends matches. She can take high ground, escape critical situations, and take down single opponents with a coordinated team.

After reading through our Vantage guide, we suggest you check out our other Apex Legends guides revealing more about Fuse and how to dominate the opposition as Valkyrie.

Apex Legends Vantage abilities

An image of Vantage from Apex Legends jumping into battle.
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Credit: Respawn Entertainment

Vantage was welcomed into the Apex Legends roster back in Season 14 and she takes quite a while to master in-game. Players who aim to be skilled at using Vantage need a lot of practice, patience, and studying the character to fully use her skills in matches to bring their team to victory.

She is also known to be one of the most powerful legends in the game, with her unique abilities. We'll get to know more about each of these abilities below.

Spotter's Lens

Scout enemies with the Spotter's Lens. This ability allows you to use Vantage's eyepiece and a bullet drop indicator to see where shots will land. Besides that, it allows the player to identify enemy legend names, the type of shield, enemy count, and how far those enemies are. It's very useful for you to gauge the enemy team and to create some sneaky strategies for your team. Some things to remember when using this ability include the following:

  • You can use Vantage's passive ability without being spotted by enemy Wraith players. It's an ideal ability to scan your opponents across the map.
  • Do keep in mind that only one enemy's details are displayed at a time when using this.
  • Don't forget to ping the targeted enemy to alert your teammates on the enemy's armour type and how many players are left in their squad.

Echo Relocation

Next is the Tactical ability, Echo Relocation. This allows Vantage to position her winged companion, Echo and launch herself towards him to reach and maintain high ground. This ability only requires Vantage to have a direct line of sight of Echo or the ability doesn't work. Keep in mind these notes whenever using this ability:

  • You can deploy, reposition, and recall Echo while doing other actions in-game such as shooting, reloading, and healing. However, this doesn't work when you're reviving.
  • Echo automatically follows Vantage if she moves farther than 55m from him.
  • Echo cannot be killed and will stay on the map until he's called and used.
  • If you're riding on ziplines, you won't be able to have a line of sight on Echo.

Sniper's Mark

Exclusive to Vantage, she equips a custom sniper rifle to mark her enemies. Upon marking an enemy, a damage bonus to applied to Vantage and her team. However, the sniper rifle only has five bullets and deals 50 damage to the body and 75 damage to the head. Be careful in using this ultimate as it's limited. Some helpful information on this ability includes the following:

  • If you aim down sights with the Sniper's Mark, a laser becomes visible from the rifle and both your enemies (visible in orange) and teammates (visible in blue) can see this.
  • This ability works in hand with Vantage's Passive ability.
  • You can mark up to five enemies at a time with the ability.

Apex Legends Vantage tips and tricks

An image of Vantage using her Sniper's Mark ability in Apex Legends.
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Credit: Respawn Entertainment

Remember to mark enemies

As mentioned earlier, both Spotter's Lens and Sniper's Mark can easily gather intel for both you and your team. It's crucial to immediately pick up and communicate your enemies' information and send it over to your teammates so you can take action swiftly to defeat them.

Besides using those abilities, as you're in the Recon role, you should be able to properly coordinate with your team. This means telling them which locations are safe to head to and what vulnerabilities your team could encounter in terms of location as well.

Be versatile in your weaponry

It may seem to be the obvious choice to also pack a sniper rifle when heading into a match. While it can put you at a great advantage when using the Spotter's Lens, carrying an auto weapon or a shotgun can also work wonders when you have to deal with close combat.

Strategise Echo's position smartly

During the battle, you may suddenly decide to place Echo in a location that helps you easily escape from enemies or help you flank the enemy team. While Echo can't be damaged or killed, he does give away your location to the enemy. Be sure to position him smartly so that you're not put at a disadvantage and you won't lose sight of Echo when engaging in combat.

That's pretty much all the information we have on Apex Legends Vantage, her abilities and tips for using her in-game. If you liked this guide, be sure to check out our other content on Apex Legends such as our guide on how to get crafting metals fast.

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