All Armored Core 6 weapons

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Armored Core 6 all weapons and best weapons for mech customization

The latest action RPG by From Software, Armored Core 6, relies highly on mech customisations. Your weaponry is the most important part of your kit, dictating how you engage in combat. If you’re wondering which type of weapons will make the game more fun and approachable for you, check out our list of the best weapons in Armored Core 6.

Weapons in Armored Core 6 can be divided into three categories depending upon the type of damage they inflict. These are Kinetic, Explosive, and Energy type weapons. We will look at the best weapons in each type of damage category for ranged, melee, and shoulder-mounted weapons.

So, let’s get started and take a look at all weapons in Armored Core 6 first.

All Ranged Weapons in Armored Core 6

First of all, let’s look at the best Kinetic, Explosive, and Energy damage type ranged weapons.

Assault Rifle (Kinetic)

This basic Assault Rifle will be your best source of early damage and impact. As your primary starter weapon, it can help you take down most of the feeder enemies with ease.

Armored Core 6 all weapons assault rifle
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Machine Gun (Kinetic)

Another great early weapon that can deal tons of damage quickly due to its rapid firing speed. The only downside of this weapon is reduced accuracy, which can be easily fixed with target assist mode.

Armored core 6 all weapons ranged machine gun
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Shotgun (Kinetic)

The Shotgun is an extremely slow yet fatal weapon at close range, which is perfect for a highly mobile and evasive AC build.

Burst Rifle (Kinetic)

It’s a highly accurate rifle that precisely hits the target you’re attacking. When charged up, it can shoot 3 bursts of shots dealing massive damage and impact.

Armored core 6 all weapons ranged burst rifle
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Gatling Gun (Kinetic)

Gatling Gun is a highly offensive machine gun with a ton of rounds. You can mow down hordes of enemies with its rapid firing rate.

Armored core 6 all weapons ranged gattling gun
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Linear Rifle (Kinetic)

With Linear Rifle, you can shoot fast projectiles with high accuracy using electromagnetic propulsion. You can charge this weapon to increase its attack power.

Handgun (Kinetic)

The Handgun shoots accurate projectiles with high attack power, effective for medium range combat.

Armored core 6 all weapons ranged handgun
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Burst Assault Rifle (Kinetic)

It works almost the same as the regular burst rifle, with an increased attack power and more rounds. It shoots high-precision 3-round bursts onto the target.

Armored core 6 all weapons ranged burst assault rifle
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Napalm Bomb Launcher (Explosive)

This weapon leaves a burning AoE on the ground to incinerate the enemies in its range. You can shoot it in different directions, like vertically or horizontally, by charging it up.

Armored core 6 all weapons ranged napalm bomb launcher
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Grenade Launcher (Explosive)

This weapon throws highly explosive grenades at the target, dealing AoE damage to all the enemies in the area. Although its fire rate is quite slow, its damage potential is huge. Since there are two variants of this weapon, be sure to pick the Iridium one.

armored core 6 all weapons grenade launcher
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Bazooka (Explosive)

This explosive gun shoots quick, heavy-impact rounds that explode on contact. It has more rounds and shoots faster than the grenade launcher but at the cost of a smaller AoE.

armored core 6 all weapons bazooka
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Missile Launcher (Explosive)

Use this Missile Launcher to multi-lock onto 4 enemies and fire a burst of missiles that inflict high explosive damage to the targets upon impact.

Pulse Gun (Energy)

Pulse Gun can shoot rapid high-frequency bubbles at your target, It is highly inaccurate at long-range. However, when used at an appropriate distance, it can take down a pulse defence.

Laser Handgun (Energy)

It’s the handgun that shoots a beam of energy at your target, dealing significant damage. You can charge it to shoot bursts of energy beams at a time.

Plasma Rifle (Energy)

This Energy weapon creates uses Plasma explosions to create damage-inflicting regions on any surface. You can charge the Plasma Rifle to increase its explosive strength and AoE.

Armored core 6 all weapons ranged plasma rifle
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Laser Rifle (Energy)

The flagship product of Arquebus, this Laser Rifle is highly effective and accurate at long ranges. You can charge it to amplify its laser strength and damage.

Armored core 6 all weapons ranged laser rifle
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Laser Shotgun (Energy)

This Energy Shotgun is highly accurate in short-to-medium-range fights. You can charge it to increase its laser strength, creating energy explosions.

Armored core 6 all weapons ranged laser shotgun
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All Melee Weapons in Armored Core 6

AC6 has a variety of melee weapons, too, the best of which are listed below.

Pile Bunker (Kinetic)

With this melee weapon, you are propelled forward, running through the enemies with steel spikes of your Pile. The charged attack with Pile Bunker grants you explosive strength but at the cost of extremely short range.

Armored core 6 all weapons melee pile bunker
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Laser Blade (Energy)

With this Energy weapon, you can attack in a wide horizontal arc, emitting laser to damage enemies. Moreover, you can charge your blade to increase the laser output and swing the weapon twice.

Armored core 6 all weapons melee laser blade
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Pulse Blade (Energy)

Pulse Blade is a highly effective melee weapon against pulse defences. You can swing this blade, hitting your enemies with high-oscillation slashes, which can be charged to increase its power.

Armored core 6 all weapons melee pulse blade
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All Shoulder Mounted Weapons in Armored Core 6

Finally, let’s look at the last category of firearms, which are your back or shoulder-mounted weapons.

Missile Launcher (Explosive)

A formidable shoulder weapon, Missile Launcher is capable of shooting 10 homing rockets in a sequence with multi-lock onto enemies, building high ACS strain. A different variant of this weapon lets you shoot 4 missiles at a time.

Laser Cannon (Energy)

The shoulder-mounted version of the Laser Rifle, it shoots a massive beam of energy. You can enhance its power by charging it.

Verticle Missile Launcher (Explosive)

Lock multiple enemies with this weapon equipped and shoot 8 homing missiles into the air. The rockets come down as bombardments on enemies, even when you’re behind cover. A different variant of this weapon shoots 4 missiles instead.

Plasma Missile Launcher (Energy)

A compact Energy weapon with multi-lock, use it to fire 3 energy rockets which detonate in the proximity of the target. Another variant of this weapon fires an energy AoE bombardment.

Split Missile Launcher (Explosive)

One of the best shoulder-mounted weapons for solo players, it shoots a single rocket that splits into homing sub-missiles before impact, dealing extraordinary damage.

Active Homing Missile Launcher (Explosive)

Use this weapon to fire a high-powered but slow payload in a propulsion trajectory toward enemies. It explodes, inflicting massive damage upon contact.

Dual Missile Launcher (Explosive)

With this weapon, you can shoot 2 rockets in opposite directions in a pincer trajectory, trapping enemies. Then the rockets converge, exploding onto the targets.

That covers all the weapons in Armored Core 6. While we have the numbers for now, we’re eagerly awaiting to try out all these weapons and see them in action. So, be sure to check back for our list of the best weapons in Armored Core 6.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon page.