Best Marvel Snap Sage Deck and Is She Worth Getting?

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Sage sitting in her chair using multiple screens in Marvel Snap variant artwork
Credit: Second Dinner

Yet another week unveils a new card, and the best Marvel Snap Sage deck might revive some old meta-defining decks like Lockdown and Surfer. The 3-Cost, 0-Power card boasts an interesting ability, but does she merit the Spotlight Keys in the current meta?

If you've wearied of playing endless rounds with the best Marvel Snap Blink deck, you might be eager to acquire this week's featured card. So, set aside that best Marvel Snap Destroy deck, and discover how to get new cards in Marvel Snap, allowing you to experiment with this deck below!

Best Marvel Snap Sage Deck to Try

According to the Untapped Snap tracker, the best Marvel Snap Sage deck is:

  • Kitty Pryde
  • Nebula
  • Angela
  • White Widow
  • Jeff
  • Ravonna Renslayer
  • Green Goblin
  • Sage
  • Wolfsbane
  • Hope Summers
  • Professor X
  • Cannonball

For those who've delved deep into Marvel Snap, it's evident that this deck embodies a lockdown-style approach. However, there are a few twists that render it particularly intriguing.

Certainly, Ravonna Renslayer stands out as one of the pivotal cards here. She decreases the costs of any card with one or less power by one, enabling you to activate cards like Green Goblin, Wolfsbane, and Sage without expending as much energy.

Best Marvel Snap Sage deck image in front of a variant image
click to enlarge
Credit: Second Dinner / Untapped

Professor X empowers you to lockdown a lane under your control, limiting your opponent's options, while Cannonball can either knock away or obliterate the highest-power card in any lane. Alternatively, you can substitute Cannonball for Hobgoblin to add another card that synergizes with Ravonna.

White Widow grants sends over a card with variable power to the enemy's side (which can enhance Sage), while also compelling your opponent to concentrate more cards in one lane to counter her ability, thus increasing her disruptive potential. While you could replace her with Black Widow, White Widow undeniably proves to be an excellent fit for this deck archetype.

Is Sage Worth Getting in Marvel Snap?

Unfortunately, she's not the best use of Tokens or Spotlight Keys right now. It takes a lot of work and luck for Sage to gain more power, and there are better options available in most deck types than the latest card.

Even more troubling is the fact that Leech currently dominates the meta, thanks to a recent buff. He has been reduced from a 5-Cost to a 4-Cost, enabling players to deploy him earlier and even use Blink to substitute him with a more potent card. Sage's ability becomes essentially worthless when Leech is in play, making her unsuitable for deck inclusion at the moment.

We anticipate there might be a place for Sage in the future, either through a buff or if Leech undergoes a nerf. However, the prevailing opinion right now is that she squanders valuable resources. Consequently, we do not recommend unlocking her (unless you desire the other two cards in the Spotlight Cache this week).

That's all you need to know about the best Marvel Snap Sage deck. Remember to stock up on Marvel Snap Gold if you want additional variants or save up for those rare Gold bundles.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides , OMG Guides , and Marvel Snap pages.