All new MaxTac types in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0

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Cyberpunk 2077 MaxTac squad of four lined side by side on a road

Sometimes in an open-world RPG, all you want to do is create as much chaos as possible and simply seeing what happens. If you cause enough trouble in Cyberpunk 2077, Night City's MaxTac (Maximum Force Tactical Division) will be deployed to take you out. Before taking them on, you should make yourself aware of the different types of MaxTac Operators in Cyberpunk 2077 that might be deployed against you.

Together, a MaxTac squad is one of Cyberpunk's most challenging combat encounters. There are five different MaxTac officers that you can encounter in the game, with each squad being made up of four different types of them. We'll be going through each of the different types of MaxTac mini-bosses, and offering some tips on how you should engage each of them.

If you're looking for more on the new content that's been added in update 2.0 and Phantom Liberty, here's all the new iconic weapons in the Phantom Liberty DLC , and a guide to all the Phantom Liberty quests and gigs.

Cyberpunk 2077 MaxTac officer wielding Mantis blades, wearing night-vision goggles
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What are the MaxTac Operator types in Cyberpunk 2077?


The MaxTac Assault Operator carries a powerful assault rifle that can deal high damage, while also having advanced cyberware that makes them mobile and able to dodge attacks or close down distance rapidly. They're arguably the least unique MaxTac operator, as fighting them is similar to fighting any regular enemy, save for the massive amount of HP. Don't feel as though they're one to focus early in the fight, though. However, as is the case with all of the Operators in this list, you should aim to keep an eye on them at all times.


With the most health of all the MaxTac operators, the Heavy wields a heavy machine gun. Less mobile than most of their counterparts, the heavy makes up for their lack of speed with pure brawn. Moreover, the heavy machine gun packs a real punch, so make sure to use cover to your advantage. Thanks to their slow speed, you don't need to prioritise taking out the Heavy, as they're not going anywhere fast and you can hide from them quite easily.


While the MaxTac Mantis Operator may appear the most fearsome, they are actually one of the weaker units when it comes to raw HP. This MaxTac unit will be getting up close and personal at all times, with rapid Mantis Blade combo attacks that can deal huge damage if you get hit. The Mantis Operator should be one of your primary focuses over other units, particularly due to their insane mobility capabilities that makes them a menace to shoot.


Of all the MaxTac Operators, the Netrunner is the one you should always focus on first. Armed with the ability to use combat quickhacks such as Overheat and System Collapse, the Netrunner can deal high amounts of passive damage to you. Additionally, their use of control quickhacks such as Cripple Movement and Cyberware Malfunction can leave you at the mercy of their fellow squad members. They're one of the weakest Operators individually, but as part of a full squad they can easily turn the tide of the battle.


By far the weakest MaxTac unit, the Sniper Operator will keep their distance, often taking up a position behind cover, before taking aim at you while you try to deal with their other teammates. However, the slow rate of fire of the Sniper, alongside the fact that their attacks are the easiest to avoid, makes the Sniper a much less intimidating opponent than the Mantis or the Netrunner. Snipers also have the ability to use grenades, which won't cause you any trouble.

Cyberpunk 2077 MaxTac stood in the doorway of an AV holding guns
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How do I fight the MaxTac squad in Cyberpunk 2077?

In order to encounter the MaxTac squad in update 2.0 for Cyberpunk 2077, you'll first have to reach a five star wanted meter. Before update 2.0, there was only four tiers to the wanted level in Cyberpunk 2077. The fifth tier has been added recently to encompass MaxTac being deployed. To achieve five stars, you'll have to take out a lot of waves of police, with the meter only ticking up to five stars after you've been in a prolonged engagement with the police.

Once you've been at five stars for a little while, an AV will deploy overhead with blaring sirens to alert you of its imminent arrival. A squad of four MaxTac members will drop out and immediately engage you in combat. You'll have to overcome them as well as the countless police that will have surrounded you by this point.

If you manage to beat the MaxTac squad that is deployed to take you out, you'll still be wanted by the police. As your wanted rating will still be five stars, you'll want to get away fast if you don't want another MaxTac squad to be deployed to your position. Escaping MaxTac is no mean feat either, with the Assault and Mantis Operators having outstanding speed and movement, meaning that they can stay on your tail for quite some time.

Who are Cyberpunk 2077's MaxTac?

MaxTac is a division of the Night City Police Department (NCPD), that specialises in the neutralisation of cyberpsychos. Cyberpsychosis is a form of psychosis that is triggered when an individual's body has more cybernetic augmentations implanted than the person can handle. This triggers a sudden loss of sense of personal identity, leading to a gradual descent into violence. MaxTac's Operators are specially equipped to deal with criminals who are armed to the teeth with chrome, and are the most advanced asset in the NCPD's arsenal.

In Cyberpunk 2077, its heavily indicated that MaxTac's ranks are actually populated by former cyberpsychos. During a minor side quest, you'll be ambushed by a rampaging cyberpsycho whilst in a clothing store. A MaxTac squad will rock up after you've defeated the cyberpsycho. You'll speak to one of the MaxTac responders, Melissa Rory, and identify her as a former cyberpsycho due to the older non-standard cyberware blades she uses.

That's everything there is to know about the different types of MaxTac and how to beat them in Cyberpunk 2077. For more on update 2.0 and the Phantom Liberty DLC, why not check out our guides on whether Cyberpunk 2077 has a New Game Plus, or how to wait in Cyberpunk 2077. We've also got a complete guide on the reworked armour system that came out in update 2.0.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Cyberpunk 2077 page.