Diablo 4 controls guide

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Diablo 4: Lilith
September 20 - We've collected everything about controls in Diablo 4.

The latest Diablo game is finally here, so experienced players can return alongside newbies. To help you navigate the game, we will walk you through the Diablo 4 controls.

Diablo 4 is a pretty complex game, and it is essential to know what your character is capable of to master it as fast as possible. Learning controls will help you react quickly and pick the most effective move in dangerous situations.

While you're here, check out our other guides, such as how to skip cutscenes in Diablo 4 and how to get and use Obols in Diablo 4.

PC controls for Diablo 4 Season one

Diablo 4: Lilith
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Let's take a look at the PC controls first. There are four sections: general, gameplay, chat, and system. The first three sections are all about character control, interaction with other players, and all the other stuff you will encounter as a part of the gameplay.

And system controls will allow you to take screenshots, change sound volume, and do other things to make your gameplay process even more comfortable.


  • Character - C / I
  • Class - ↑ + C
  • Skill Assignment - S
  • Skill Tree - ↑ + S
  • Abilities - A
  • Map - Tab / M
  • Journal - J / L
  • Shop - P
  • Collections - Y
  • Social Screen - O
  • Clan - N


  • Move / Basic Skill Slot / Interact - LMB
  • Main Skill Slot - RMB
  • First Skill Slot - 1
  • Second Skill Slot - 2
  • Third Skill Slot - 3
  • Fourth Skill Slot - 4
  • Force Move - Unassigned
  • Force Interact - F
  • Dodge - Space Bar
  • Town Portal - T
  • Potion - Q
  • Mount - Z
  • Spur Mount - Space Bar
  • Mount Dismount - RMB
  • Mount Combat Dismount - 1
  • Hold Position - Shift
  • Action Wheel - E
  • Quest Track - R
  • Item Labels - Alt


  • Open Chat - Enter
  • Close Chat - Esc
  • Instant Messages - Ctrl + ↑ + R
  • Respond to Last Whisper - ↑ + R
  • Re-Whisper - Unassigned
  • Cycle Chat Targets - Tab
  • Page Up - PG↑
  • Page Down - PG↓
  • Move to Next Chat - Ctrl + Tab
  • Back to Previous Chat - Ctrl + ↑ + Tab
  • Reset Chat Fade - X


  • Menu - Esc
  • Toggle Framerate Display - Ctrl + R
  • Screenshot - Unassigned
  • Volume Up - Ctrl + =
  • Volume Down - Ctrl + -
  • Voice Chat Transcription - Unassigned
  • Push-to-Talk - ′
  • Skip next TTS - Unassigned
  • Clear all TTS - Unassigned
  • Skip Line With Screen Reader - Unassigned
  • Toggle Sound - Ctrl + M

PS4/PS5 controls for Diablo 4

Diablo 4: Lilith
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If you are playing Diablo 4 on PS4 or PS5, here we have a list of controls for these devices:

  • Character - Option Button
  • Map - Share Button
  • Potion - L1
  • Main Skill Slot/Combat Dismount - Square Button
  • First Skill Slot - Triangle Button
  • Second Skill Slot - R1
  • Third Skill Slot - L2
  • Fourth Skill Slot/Spur Mount - R2
  • Interact/Basic Skill - X Button
  • Dodge - Circle Button
  • Action Wheel - D-Pad Up
  • Mount - D-Pad Right
  • Answer to Social Request - D-Pad Left
  • Town Portal - D-Pad Down
  • Item Labels - Left Stick
  • Target Lock - Right Stick

Xbox controls for Diablo 4

Diablo 4: Lilith
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Now that we're done with PC and PS4/5 controls for Diablo 4, let's move to Xbox controls:

  • Character - Menu button
  • Map - View button
  • Potion - LB
  • Main Skill Slot/Combat Dismount - X
  • First Skill Slot - Y
  • Second Skill Slot - RB
  • Third Skill Slot - LT
  • Fourth Skill Slot/Spur Mount - RT
  • Interact/Basic Skill - A
  • Dodge - B
  • Action Wheel - D-Pad Up
  • Mount - D-Pad Right
  • Answer to Social Request - D-Pad Left
  • Town Portal - D-Pad Down
  • Item Labels - Left Stick
  • Target Lock - Right Stick

That's pretty much it with Diablo 4 controls. Mastering the controls will definitely save your character in a tough battle. Good luck with your Diablo adventures!

And if you're looking for more on the game, here we have a guide on how to invite friends to your group in Diablo 4.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Diablo 4 page.