Diablo 4 Druid class guide - Best builds skills, talents and more

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Looking for the best Diablo 4 Druid builds? We'll need some time to work out the best open beta builds to use in retail, but we've got plenty of class tips and tricks below for the budding nature mage in you.

The Druid is a powerful shapeshifter that transforms fluently between a Were-bear and a werewolf, while commanding the powers of nature with earth, wind and storm spells, and our Diablo 4 Druid class guide will give you everything you need to use the Druid in the best way possible.

While you're here, if you're looking for more Diablo 4 content, then be sure to check out our Diablo 4 Necromancer guide and our Diablo 4 Sorcerer guide. Also check our out Diablo 4 classes guide.

Diablo 4 Druid class guide

Let's talk about the baseline Druid class. You have a few different types of skills. You'll have elemental skills and physical skills. There are a few categories of skills as with all classes, as well as passive nodes in each section as well. Here are the list of categories of skills:

  • Basic
  • Spirit
  • Defensive
  • Companion
  • Wrath
  • Ultimate

Here is a list of each of the skills and what they do.

Diablo 4 Druid skills


  • Earthspike
    • Description: Sunder the earth, impaling the first enemy hit for {#}% damage. Each time you hit an enemy with Earthspike, your chance to deal Crushing Blow to that target is increased by 10%.
      • Enhancement: Earthspike has an {#}% chance to Stun for {#} seconds.
      • Upgrade 1 (Wild): Summon a second Earthspike when hitting an Immobilized or Stunned enemy.
      • Upgrade 2 (Fierce): Fortify for {#}% of your Base Life ({#}) whenever Earth Spike damages enemies who are Stunned, Immobilized, or Knocked Back.
  • Claw
    • Description: Shapeshift into a Werewolf and claw at an enemy for {#}% damage.
      • Enhancement: Claw's Attack Speed is increased by +{#}%.
      • Upgrade 1 (Wild): Claw has an additional +{#}% Critical Strike Chance and deals x{#}% increased Critical Strike Damage.
      • Upgrade 2 (Fierce): Claw poisons enemies for {#}% damage over {#} seconds.
  • Storm Strike
    • Description: Electricity gathers around your weapon, dealing {#}% damage to your target and chaining to up to {#} surrounding enemies, dealing {#}% less damage each time it chains. Dealing damage with Storm Strike reduces your damage taken by {#}% for {#} seconds.
      • Enhancement: Storm Strike has a {#}% chance to Immobilize all enemies hit for {#} seconds.
      • Upgrade 1 (Wild): Storm Strike chains to {#} additional targets.
      • Upgrade 2 (Fierce): Storm Strike has a {#}% chance to make enemies Vulnerable for {#} seconds.
  • Maul
    • Description: Shapeshift into a Werebear and maul enemies in front of you, dealing {#}% damage.
      • Enhancement: If an enemy is hit by Maul, then Fortify for {#}% Base Life ({#}).
      • Upgrade 1 (Wild):Maul has a {#}% chance to Knock Down enemies for {#} seconds.
      • Upgrade 2 (Fierce): Increases the range and radius of Maul by {#}%.
  • Wind Shear
    • Description: Conjure a piercing blade of wind, dealing {#}% damage.
      • Enhancement: Wind Shear has a {#}% chance to make enemies Vulnerable for {#} seconds
      • Upgrade 1 (Wild): Wind Shear grants {#} additional Spirit for each enemy hit beyond the first.
      • Upgrade 2 (Fierce): Each enemy hit by Wind Shear increases your movement speed by {#}% for {#} seconds, up to {#}%.


  • Pulverize
    • Description: Shapeshift into a Werebear and slam the ground, dealing {#}% damage to surrounding enemies.
      • Enhancement: Pulverize deals x{#}% increased bonus damage when hitting {#} or more enemies.
      • Upgrade 1 (Primal): Enemies hit with Pulverize deal {#}% reduced damage for {#} seconds.
      • Upgrade 2 (Raging): Pulverize has a {#}% chance to Immobilize all enemies hit for {#} seconds.
  • Landslide
    • Description: Crush enemies between 3 pillars of earth, dealing up to {#}% damage.
      • Enhancement: Enemies hit by all 3 Landslide pillars have a {#}% chance to be Immobilized for {#} seconds by the final hit.
      • Upgrade 1 (Primal): Landslide has a {#}% increased Critical Strike Chance and deals x{#}% increased Critical Strike Damage against enemies who are Stunned, Immobilized or Knocked Back.
      • Upgrade 2 (Raging): For {#} seconds after Landslide is cast, the Spirit cost is reduced by {#}.
  • Tornado
    • Description: Conjure a swirling tornado that deals {#}% damage.
      • Enhancement: Each time you cast Tornado, you have a {#}% chance to spawn an additional Tornado.
      • Upgrade 1 (Primal): Enemies damaged by Tornado are Slowed by {#}% for {#} seconds, stacking up to {#}%.
      • Upgrade 2 (Raging): Each time an enemy is damaged by a Tornado, they take x{#}% increased damage from Tornado for {#} seconds, stacking up to x{#}% increased damage.
  • Lightning Storm
    • Description: Conjure a growing lightning storm that deals {#}% damage per strike and increases the number of strikes the longer it is channeled up to a maximum of {#}.
      • Enhancement: The size of your Lightning Storm is preserved for {#} seconds after channeling.
      • Upgrade 1 (Primal): Lightning Storm has a {#}% chance to Immobilize enemies hit for {#} seconds.
      • Upgrade 2 (Raging): Lightning Storm gains 1 additional lightning strike.
  • Shred
    • Description: Shapeshift into a Werewolf and perform a 3-combo attack. 1st Attack: Dash towards the target and deal {#}% damage. 2nd Attack: Deal {#}% damage. 3rd Attack: Perform a larger finishing move dealing {#}% damage.
      • Enhancement: Shred gains {#}% attack speed and heals for {#}% of your maximum Life if an enemy is struck.
      • Upgrade 1 (Primal): Shred's second combo attack also performs a dash. In addition, Shred's Critical Strike Chance is increased by +{#}% for the first two combo attacks.
      • Upgrade 2 (Raging): Shred's third combo attack is larger and applies a potent poison to enemies hit dealing an additional {#}% damage over {#} seconds.


  • Cyclone Armor
    • Description: Passive: Powerful winds surround you, granting {#}% non-Physical damage reduction. Active: The winds rapidly expand, Knocking Back enemies and dealing {#}% damage.
      • Enhancement: Enemies who are Knocked Back by Cyclone Armor are also Slowed by {#}% for {#} seconds.
      • Upgrade 1 (Innate): Enemies Knocked Back by Cyclone Armor become Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
      • Upgrade 2 (Preserving): Every {#} seconds, Cyclone Armor intensifies, reducing the next instance of non-Physical damage by an additional {#}%.
  • Earthen Bulwark
    • Description: Rocks surround you for {#} seconds, granting a Barrier that absorbs {#}% of your Base Life ({#}) in damage.
      • Enhancement: Earthen Bulwark makes you Unstoppable while active.
      • Upgrade 1 (Innate): Upon expiration, Earthen Bulwark shatters, dealing {#}% of the remaining Barrier amount to surrounding enemies.
      • Upgrade 2 (Preserving): Casting Earthen Bulwark grants {#}% Base Life ({#}) as Fortify.
  • Debilitating Roar
    • Description: Shapeshift into a Werebear and bellow a mighty roar, reducing damage dealt of Nearby enemies by {#}% for {#} seconds.
      • Enhancement: Debilitating Roar also Fortifies you for {#}% Base Life ({#}).
      • Upgrade 1 (Innate): Debilitating Roar also heals you for {#}% of your maximum Life each second for its duration.
      • Upgrade 2 (Preserving): Debilitating Roar also slows enemies by {#}% for its duration.
  • Blood Howl
    • Description: Shapeshift into a Werewolf and howl furiously, restoring {#}% Life.
      • Enhancement: Kills reduce the cooldown of Blood Howl by {#} second.
      • Upgrade 1 (Innate): Blood Howl also generates {#} Spirit.
      • Upgrade 2 (Preserving): Blood Howl also increases your Attack Speed by {#}% for {#} seconds.


  • Vine Creeper
    • Description: Passive: A vine creeper periodically emerges from the ground every {#} seconds and poisons an enemy in the area for {#}% damage over {#} seconds. Active: Vines strangle all surrounding enemies, Immobilizing them for {#} seconds and poisoning them for {#}% damage over {#} seconds.
      • Enhancement: Vine Creeper's Immobilize duration is increased by {#} second.
      • Upgrade 1 (Ferocious): Vine Creeper's active poison duration is increased by {#} seconds.
      • Upgrade 2 (Brutal): Your chance to Critically Strike is increased by +{#}% against enemies strangled by Vine Creeper.
  • Wolves
    • Description: Passive: Summon {#} wolf companions that bite enemies for {#}% damage. Active: Direct the wolves to focus an enemy, leaping to them and striking for {#}% damage.
      • Enhancement: Wolves deal x{#}% increased damage to Immobilized, Stunned, Slowed, or poisoned enemies.
      • Upgrade 1 (Ferocious): You deal x{#}% increased damage to your Wolves' focus target.
      • Upgrade 2 (Brutal): Your Wolves' first attack against a focused enemy makes them Vulnerable for {#} seconds.
  • Ravens
    • Description: Active: The target area is swarmed with ravens, dealing {#}% damage over {#} seconds.
      • Enhancement: Passive: Ravens fly above you and periodically attack your enemies for {#}% damage every {#} seconds.
      • Upgrade 1 (Ferocious): Enemies inside the swarm of Ravens when it is activated become Vulnerable for {#} seconds.
      • Upgrade 2 (Brutal): {#} additional Ravens appear when they periodically attack enemies.


  • Hurricane
    • Description: : Form a hurricane around you that deals {#}% damage to surrounding enemies over {#} seconds.
      • EnhancementEnemies who are damaged by Hurricane are Slowed by {#}% for {#} seconds.
      • Upgrade 1 (Natural): Hurricane has a {#}% chance to make enemies Vulnerable for {#} seconds.
      • Upgrade 2 (Savage): Enemies who are in Hurricane's radius have their damage reduced by {#}%.
  • Trample
    • Description: Shapeshift into a Werebear and charge forward, dealing {#}% damage and Knocking Back enemies. Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain take an additional {#}% damage and are stunned for {#} seconds.
      • Enhancement: You are Unstoppable during Trample.
      • Upgrade 1 (Natural): Casting Trample grants {#}% Base Life ({#}) as Fortify.
      • Upgrade 2 (Savage): Casting Trample grants {#} Spirit.
  • Boulder
    • Description: Unearth a large rolling boulder that Knocks Back and crushes enemies, dealing {#}% damage with each hit.
      • Enhancement: Enemies are slowed by {#}% for {#} seconds after being hit with Boulder.
      • Upgrade 1 (Natural): Your Basic skills grant {#}% bonus Spirit while damaging enemies who are Knocked Back by Boulder.
      • Upgrade 2 (Savage): The first enemy damaged by Boulder is made Vulnerable for {#} seconds.
  • Rabies
    • Description: Shapeshift into a Werewolf and perform an infectious bite on the target dealing {#}% damage, and an additional {#}% damage over {#} seconds. Infected enemies spread Rabies to other surrounding targets.
      • Enhancement: Once Rabies infects {#} targets, it deals x{#}% increased Poison damage against all targets.
      • Upgrade 1 (Natural): The initial bite of Rabies heals you for {#}% of your maximum Life.
      • Upgrade 2 (Savage): The initial bite of Rabies deals x{#}% increased damage against enemies who are Immobilized or Stunned.


  • Cataclysm
    • Description: A massive storm follows you for {#} seconds. Tornadoes knock back enemies, and lightning strikes wildly dealing {#}% damage.
      • Enhancement: Ultimate Skills do not have an enhancement.
      • Upgrade 1 (Prime): Cataclysm's duration is increased by {#} seconds.
      • Upgrade 2 (Supreme): Lightning strikes from Cataclysm make enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
  • Petrify
    • Description: Petrify all Nearby enemies, Stunning them for {#} seconds. You deal x{#}% increased Critical Strike Damage to Petrified enemies.
      • Enhancement: Ultimate Skills do not have an enhancement.
      • Upgrade 1 (Prime): Petrify's duration is increased by {#} second.
      • Upgrade 2 (Supreme): Killing a Petrified enemy grants {#} Spirit.
  • Grizzly Rage
    • Description: Shapeshift into Dire Werebear for {#} seconds gaining x{#}% bonus damage and x{#}% damage reduction. Damage bonus is increased by +{#}% each second while in this form. Kills extend the duration by {#} second up to +{#} additional seconds.
      • Enhancement: Ultimate Skills do not have an enhancement.
      • Upgrade 1 (Prime): You are Unstoppable while Grizzly Rage is active.
      • Upgrade 2 (Supreme): Gain {#}% Base Life ({#}) as Fortify per second while Grizzly Rage is active.
  • Lacerate
    • Description: Shapeshift into a Werewolf, become Immune and quickly dash {#} times between enemies in the area dealing up to {#}% damage.
      • Enhancement: Ultimate Skills do not have an enhancement.
      • Upgrade 1 (Prime): Each time Lacerate deals a Critical Strike, heal for {#}% of your maximum Life.
      • Upgrade 2 (Supreme): Lacerate's final strike deals x{#}% increased damage.

Here's a list of each of the passive nodes that you can get in each category.

Diablo 4 Druid passive nodes


  • Heart of the Wild: Maximum Spirit is increased by {#}.Wild ImpulsesYour Core skills cost x{#}% more Spirit but deal x{#}% increased damage. Requires 1 point in Heart of the Wild.
  • Abundance: Basic skills generate {#}% more Spirit. Requires 1 point in Heart of the Wild.
  • Predatory Instinct: Critical Strike Chance against Close enemies is increased by {#}%.
  • Iron Fur: While in Werebear form, damage reduction is increased by {#}%. This bonus persists for {#} seconds after leaving Werebear form. Requires 1 point in Predatory Instinct.
  • Digitigrade Gait: While in Werewolf form, your Movement Speed is increased by {#}%. This bonus persists for {#} seconds after leaving Werewolf form. Requires 1 point in Predatory Instinct.


  • Ancestral Fortitude: Increase your non-physical resistances by {#}%.
  • Vigilance: You take {#}% reduced damage for {#} seconds after using a Defensive skill. Requires 1 point in Ancestral Fortitude.


  • Clarity: Gain {#} Spirit when transforming into Human form.
  • Nature’s Reach: Deal x{#}% increased damage to Distant enemies. Double this bonus if they are also Slowed, Stunned, Immobilized, or Knocked Back.
  • Call of the Wild You deal x{#}% increased Critical Strike Damage against your Wolves' focus target. Raven attacks deal x{#}% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. Vine Creeper's poison duration is increased by {#}%.


  • Elemental Exposure: Lucky Hit: Your Storm skills have up to a {#}% chance to make enemies Vulnerable for {#} seconds.
  • Endless Tempest: Increase the duration of Hurricane and Cataclysm by {#}%. Requires 1 point in Elemental Exposure.
  • Charged Atmosphere: Every {#} seconds, a Lightning Strike hits a Nearby enemy dealing {#}% damage. Requires 1 point in Elemental Exposure.
  • Bad Omen: Lucky Hit: Up to a {#}% chance when dealing damage to a Vulnerable, Immobilized or Stunned enemy that a Lightning Strike also hits dealing {#}% damage. Requires 1 point in Endless Tempest or Charged Atmosphere.
  • Electric Shock: Lucky Hit: Dealing Lightning damage to enemies has a {#}% chance to Immobilize them for {#} seconds. If the target is already Immobilized, the Lightning damage dealt to them is increased by x{#}% instead. Requires 1 point in Charged Atmosphere or Bad Omen.
  • Crushing Earth: Earth skills deal x{#}% increased damage to Slowed, Stunned, Immobilized or Knocked Back enemies.
  • Stone Guard: While Fortified over {#}% of your Maximum Life, your Earth skills deal x{#}% increased damage. Requires 1 point in Crushing Earth.
  • Safeguard: Critical Strikes with Earth skills Fortify you for {#}% Base Life ({#}). Requires 1 point in Crushing Earth.
  • Mending: While in Werebear form, you receive {#}% additional healing from all sources.
  • Provocation: Your next Werebear skill every {#} seconds is guaranteed to Overpower. Requires 1 point in Mending.
  • Toxic Claws: Critical strikes with Werewolf skills deal {#}% of their base damage as Poison damage over {#} seconds.
  • Neurotoxin: Poisoned enemies are slowed by {#}%. Requires 1 point in Toxic Claws.


  • Defiance: Nature Magic skills deal x{#}% increased damage to Elites.\
  • Circle of Life: Nature Magic skills that consume Spirit restore {#}% of your maximum Life. Requires 1 point in Defiance.
  • Natural Disaster: Nature Magic skills deal x{#}% increased damage. Triple this bonus if an Earth skill is the next skill cast after a Storm skill, or a Storm skill is the next skill cast after an Earth skill. Requires 1 point in Defiance.
  • Resonance: Your Earth skills deal x{#}% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. Your Storm skills deal x{#}% increased damage to enemies that are Stunned, Immobilized, or Knocked Back. Requires 1 point in Circle of Life or Defiance.
  • Defensive Posture: Increases the amount of Fortify you gain from all sources by {#}%.
  • Thick Hide: Whenever you are Stunned, Immobilized, or Knocked Down, Fortify for {#}% Base Life ({#}). Requires 1 point in Defensive Posture.
  • Nature’s Resolve: Increases the amount of Fortify you gain from all sources by {#}%. Requires 1 point in Defensive Posture.
  • Unrestrained: Reduce the duration of control impairing effects by {#}%. Triple this effect while you are Fortified for over {#}% of your maximum Life. Requires 1 point in Thick Hide or Nature’s Resolve.
  • Quickshift: When a Shapeshifting skill transforms you into a different form, it deals x{#}% increased damage.
  • Heightened Senses: Upon shapeshifting into a Werewolf or Werebear, gain {#}% damage reduction against Elites for {#} seconds. Requires 1 point in Quickshift.
  • Natural Fortitude: Shapeshifting Fortifies you for {#}% Base Life ({#}). Requires 1 point in Quickshift.

The Druid's unique mechanic has yet to be revealed in the game but check back as we'll have that information as it becomes available. We haven't had a chance yet to level high enough. The open beta has been locked to level 25.

And that's all that we have for you about the Druid in Diablo 4! While you're here, if you're looking for more Action RPG content, then be sure to check out our Last Epoch guides, such as our Last Epoch 0.9 best starter builds, and our Last Epoch best paladin build, and our guide to the new Last Epoch trade system.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Diablo 4 page.