Does Skull and Bones have land combat?

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Skull and Bones land combat - ships fighting each other on sea

Ah the life of a pirate. Going on a ship, manning your cannons, feeding your crew, plundering treasures. But ship combat is clearly a no-brainer, but what about fighting on land? Specifically, looking at a certain pirate game, does Skull and Bones have land combat as well? Let's see what we know.

Gamers have been awaiting quite a while for this game, with many wondering about the map size and open world nature, along with its offline capabilities.

But if you want to know all about the possibilities of land combat in Skull and Bones, we'd recommend continue reading this article. Let's look at all the clues.

Does Skull and Bones have land combat?

Unfortunately, we don't have good news, Skull and Bones is not going to feature any kind of land combat. But of course, that might not be entirely bad news. Why?

Well, looking at something like Sea of Thieves for example, one might come out of trying SKull and Bones with disappointment considering that game does offer a good mix of the two. But, then again, the combat in Sea of Thieves often lacks the intensity that, instead, Skull and Bones seems to be going for.

So, instead of a mix between two different kind of combats, you will be manning an entire fleet of ships and keep your attention focused on sea. Skull and Bones definitely seems to be heading into a different direction than other games of its ilk (not that there's that many) and we'll see if it comes out all the better for it.

So, for now, unfortunately you won't be able to bring your battles on land. That is definitely all we can tell you about land combat in Skull and Bones. If you're hungry for more info on the game, check out our guides on its multiplayer modes and its open beta period.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Skull & Bones page.