How to capture blue Chocobo in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

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Capture Blue Chocobo
Credit: Square Enix

Remember all the colourful varieties of Chocobo birds from the original Final Fantasy VII?

Chocobo Breeding might not be back in Rebirth, but there are many types of ridable Chocobo birds of various colours, including the blue Chocobo. Each Chocobo comes with different skills that you'll need to scale the six very different biomes covered in this part of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

In the sixth open-world zone of the game, you can also find the hidden house in the mountains that belongs to the elusive Chocobo Sage, another returning character from the original game. Chocobo Sage will task you with wrangling and bringing home the Nibel regional Chocobo, the blue one called Selena. Find out how to capture it in our guide.

How to capture Blue Chocobo in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

On the Niberl Region map very close to the Nibel Airstrip Fast Travel point, you will find the first tower that you can activate, which is the ed “Airstrip Tower”. Once you climb it and activate it the nearby World Intel locations will be revealed, including the one just a little bit below with the chocobo tracks icon.

Blue Chocobo location
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Credit: Square Enix
Blue Chocobo location

When you get there, you'll see two regular yellow Chocobos guarding the area, a patch of tall grass between them, and a whole field of cacti that inflate and deflate rhythmically. When you approach them, the wrangling mini-game will start.

In this mini-game, you need to lead the blue Chocobo, which is located on the other side of the cactus field, to the part with the tall grass to the left. To do so, move through the tall grass and climb up the rise on the right side for a better view of the entire cactus field. On this rise, you'll find plenty of Chocobo lure, radish-like looking vegetables, which you should collect in as large quantities as possible as you will need them later.

Every time you pick up a radish, a new one will spawn after a few seconds, so it's a good idea to farm as many lures as you can. Around 15 just to be sure.

Once you have enough, go to the far right of the hill and start throwing lures in front of the blue Chocobo, one by one. If you throw the lure too far, Selena won't notice it, so you need to lure the bird little by little by throwing the next lure close when it finishes eating the previous one.

Look at the floor in front of the Chocobo, and you'll notice tracks, which are the paths it can take. Stick to the upper route and make sure to throw the lure only when you're sure the cacti are deflated because if the blue Chocobo touches a cactus or it inflates beneath it, it will lose some health - and if it loses all its health, it's reset time.

Fortunately, this mini-game, like others in Rebirth, has checkpoints, so you can continue from them.

Chocobo tame guide
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Credit: Square Enix
Chocobo tame guide

When the Blue Chocobo gets close to the left part of the field near the tall grass patch and the other two Chocobos, the tricky part begins or the reason why you looked up this guide.

The yellow Chocobos, if they notice you, the lure doesn't work on them. The goal here is to lure the Blue Chocobo into the patch of tall grass just after the cactus field and throw another lure immediately behind it to make it face the other side. You need to make the Chocobo turn around to face the cactus field and you can sneak from the back.

Blue Chocobo
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Credit: Square Enix
Blue Chocobo

You must time the last lure to throw well because if the Blue Chocobo ends outside the cactus field and has no lure to eat, it will run away with its buddies, and the game will reset. If you've done everything correctly, the Blue Chocobo should be in the tall grass-eating lure while facing away from you.

Approach it from behind while hiding in the tall grass and press a triangle when you get close to wrangle it - just be sure to stay hidden in tall grass all the time because other Chocobos, which you can not distract, can notice you and reset the mini-game to the last checkpoint.

Now you have a Blue Chocobo, take it back to the Chocobo Sage to end the quest and unlock it for use in the entire Nibel region. Blue Chocobos can move quickly across the water and have a special ability called Chocojet, which is activated by pressing L2 when you're above a body of water, giving you the ability to reach high places. This skill will be essential for finding Odin's Summon Crystals on the Nibel map, so it's a must-have.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth page.