Fire Emblem Engage Casual or Classic? - Which difficulty setting to choose

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If you've played Fire Emblem or tactical turn-based RPG games before, you'll be familiar with the concept of perma-death. With Fire Emblem Engage, you'll be presented with this difficult decision again at the start. But if you're new, the terms and implications might not make sense. Here's what to consider between the Fire Emblem Engage casual or classic mode you can select from.

If you've played various RPGs in the past, then you've most likely have seen different difficulty modes you can choose from to make it a more story-focused or gameplay-focused experience. In past Fire Emblem games, the concept of perma-death was a major staple, giving it a lot of strategic appeal. Modern games have both options. But which do you choose?

If you're looking for more Fire Emblem Engage content, then check out our guide to how long Fire Emblem Engage is, as well as our guide to the Fire Emblem Memento Drawer. Also, check out our guide to how you can play the piano in Fire Emblem Engage if you can't quite figure it out.

Fire Emblem Engage casual or classic - Which setting to choose

When you start out your game, you're going to be prompted to select a difficulty and a mode. You can lower the difficulty setting after the fact, but you can't change from Classic to Casual or vice-versa.

If you're looking for a pretty straightforward playthrough of the game to enjoy the story, starting the game on normal and casual is going to be the way to go. If you're looking to flex the strategic muscles a bit more, then maybe consider Classic and a harder difficulty.

For the ultimate challenge, you'll need to complete the game on Maddening/Casual before you can attempt Maddening/Classic - the hardest possible mode combination in the game.

If you think you might want to change it down the line, just go with Casual out of the gate to avoid a future headache and need to start over.

Once you're in the game, you make the game easier by changing the difficulty from your room in Somniel. You cannot make the game harder, so once you've decreased the difficulty, that's where you'll stay for the remained of the game. Use the menu to save the game in a different slot if you think you might want to try again from that point on the higher difficulty in the future.

What changes with Fire Emblem Engage difficulty settings?

For difficulty, the changes should be obvious between the options. Enemies hit harder, take less damage, and the AI will strategies accordingly, stopping those times they'll run at you with a zero percent hit chance, no damage, and a guaranteed chance of dying to your counterattacks.

Regardless of your difficulty setting, you can opt for Classic or Casual gameplay. The former means any unit that dies in battle stays dead throughout the rest of the game, but Casual will allow any lost ally to return in the next battle, keeping them around for good and eliminating any serious risks.

If you do intend to go down the Classic route though, be prepared to invest time in grinding money, budgeting out your Bond fragments, and buying or upgrading weapons to strengthen your units.

And that's what you need to need to know about the difficulties and modes of Fire Emblem Engage. While you're here, why not check out some of our guides for Diablo 4, such as our Diablo 4 classes guide, and our Diablo 4 multiplayer guide.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides , Fire Emblem: Engage , and Role Playing Games pages.