How to recover a Combat Cache in Fortnite

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Mega city in Fortnite

The Fortnite Combat Cache is one of the most valuable bits of loot in the whole game. Being a great way to get Mythic gear early on, you may want to know how they work before activating them. They're not without their risks, so they're not recommended for beginners to seek out, but if you're confident in your skills, seeking them out at the start of the match can really increase your chances of winning the whole thing.

How to recover a Combat Cache in Fortnite

Combat Cache locations

Before knowing how to recover a Combat Cache in Fortnite, you should learn how to spot them. Periodically, throughout a game, a small symbol will ping on the screen, showing the cache. It will show the general direction and how far away it is. If you lose track, it will shoot a beam up above, so look out for that.

Combat Cache loot

Initially, that beam will be golden, signifying the level of loot that you will find there. The longer you wait to open it, the more it will degrade, giving you worse weapons when you do happen to reach it.

Like the days of rushing to a player-planted tree with Mythic loot at the start of the game in past seasons, you're encouraged to grab it as soon as possible, And just like those trees, the higher the loot level, the bigger risk you take in aiming for the prize. Everybody wants it.

After the cache finishes opening, it will shoot out weapons, ammo, and (if it's gold) Slurp Juice.

A Combat Cache in Fortnite
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How to open a Combat Cache

Once you've located a combat cache, hover over it and click your usual interact button. It takes a little while to open once you've started the countdown, so bunker down and wait for enemies.


Combat Caches are excellent ways to get yourself geared up and ready to win the game early on. They're basically randomly-spawning high-tier loot locations. They do prove a bit of a challenge if others are searching for them, too, but they give you the upper hand going into the final portion of a match.

If you want to know a little more about the game, here's how Fortnite Augments work and everything we know about the Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 quests. There's so much to learn here.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Fortnite page.