How to beat Madhu the Dismantler in Ghostrunner 2

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Ghostrunner 2 boss Madhu the Dismantler stands as an imposing figure
Credit: Kieron West // Gfinity Esports

It's hard to pick just one feature to be Ghostrunner 2's best, but the thrills provided by its boss fights are hard to beat. The game's fourth boss, Madhu the Dismantler, provides a challenging fight that's closer to the first boss than the others. In this guide we'll teach you how to beat the Dismantler in Ghostrunner 2.

Madhu is an interesting three-phase boss that swaps phases often, acting like a puzzle you can put a sword through. His attacks will still kill you in one hit, obviously, but players have a few new moves to make this fight an enjoyable one.

Before we explain how to beat the Dismantler, check out our Ghostrunner 2 walkthrough hub for a list of all our guides. It'll teach you how to upgrade yourself and reveal the game's minimum requirements for PCs.

How to beat Madhu the Dismantler in Ghostrunner 2

Totally different to the bosses like Rahu you've fought previously, Madhu has three health bars that he swaps between during the fight. Each one has its own moves, too, so we've given tips for each colour of health below.

Red health

The Dismantler begins the fight in this form, and its move set is mostly physical. He'll move quickly and use his scythe to cleave through you, so use the tips below to cut through his health before you're overwhelmed.

  • Land a perfect parry to deal extreme damage
    • Use the Smooth Moves upgrade to make this easier
  • Block to protect yourself if needs be, but be ready for knockback
  • Jumping will avoid most of his attacks
  • Dodge sideways to avoid the overhead slam
  • Shuriken won't do damage, but will let you grapple toward him
  • Spam regular hits for decent damage
Ghostrunner 2 Dismantler boss preparing to strike with a large scythe
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Credit: Kieron West // Gfinity Esports
Be ready to parry when the Dismantler reels back his scythe.

Green health

This form is the Dismantler's most annoying, as he'll recover blue and red health while totally immune to your attacks. Madhu enters this form when you deal set amounts of damage. To end it, you must destroy the totems that appear; their shields are only broken when you clear out the regular enemies nearby.

  • Use the Shadow ability to distract gun-using enemies as you approach
  • Use the grapple points around the arena to reach totems quickly
  • Look for green streaks of energy to find totems easily
  • Use shuriken to temporarily disable the robots that eventually appear
  • Parry machine gunners' shots to get rid of them quickly
  • Enemy types don't change between attempts, so try to memorise them

Thankfully, you get a checkpoint every time this form rears its head and again when it ends. If you're quick, destroying three dismantler totems in under 45 seconds will also unlock the 'No More Totems' trophy / achievement.

Ghostrunner 2 Madhu boss surrounded by green shields while energy splits off in different directions
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Credit: Kieron West // Gfinity Esports
You can find totems by following the energy coming from Madhu's shields.

Blue health

This form is more technology-based and the easiest to deal with. You'll face a machine gun attack, bombardments, and shields, but all are trivial if you stay behind him and dash to close distance.

  • Use a shuriken to grapple onto Madhu when he's far away
  • Watch the ground for impact points (a bit like Naga's spit)
  • Use the arena's grapple points and bounce pads to get close
  • When knocked away by shields, dash over to him quickly
  • Stab Madhu's back while he shoots his gun for easy damage
Ghostrunner 2 boss Madhu firing a machine gun
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Credit: Kieron West / Gfinity Esports
Get behind the Dismantler while he uses a machine gun for easy damage.

After plenty of trial and error, another formidable enemy will fall to your blade. Our breakdown of Ghostrunner 2's trophy list may interest you if you're enjoying the game, and we can explain the ins and outs of photo mode if you wanted one of the game's gorgeous levels to be your desktop background.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Ghostrunner page.