Hades 2: Here’s How to Defeat Scylla and The Sirens

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Hades 2's Scylla and Melinoe
Credit: Custom image by Jonnalyn Cortez (Supergiant Games, Links: (L) https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Scylla?file=Scylla_PH.png and (R) https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Hades_II?file=H2_Wallpaper_Melinoe_4k_01.png, License: Fair use for promotional, commentary and news purposes)

Hades 2 has finally launched in Early Access and introduced its new protagonist, Melinoë, Princess of the Underworld and Zagreus’s sister. This time, Melinoë aims to defeat Chronis, the Titan of Time. But aside from this main antagonist, the chthonic nymph has to defeat several other villains, like Scylla and the Sirens.

Scylla and the Sirens are not just a single adversary but three powerful bosses Melinoë must conquer to progress through Oceanus and deeper into the underworld in Hades 2.

If you are struggling against the trio, we have compiled this guide to help you succeed.

Here’s how to defeat Scylla and the Sirens in Hades 2.

Who is Scyllaand Hades 2?

Hades 2's Scylla
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Credit: Screenshot at 0:02 via Video Game News Official YouTube Channel, Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuCJi1T8gwo, License: Fair use for promotional, commentary and news purposes

Scylla is a legendary sea monster who used to be a beautiful Naiad nymph, but a curse turned her into a monstrous Siren.

In Hades 2, she’s the final boss who will appear in Oceanus on Level 24.

In Greek mythology, Scylla is known for haunting the rocks of a narrow strait opposite the whirlpool of Kharybadis.

Ships that happen to cross the rocks near her will lose six men to her greedy, darting heads.

Skylla is described as a creature with 12 dangling feet, six long necks, and grisly heads lined with three rows of sharp teeth. Her voice is said to sound like yelping dogs.

With a voice like that, nobody wants to hear it in Oceanus, but she will fight Melinoë with all her might to continue her music.

How do you defeat Scylla and the Sirens in Hades 2?

Hades 2's Scylla and the Sirens
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Credit: Screenshot at 0:46 via Video Game News Official YouTube Channel, Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuCJi1T8gwo, License: Fair use for promotional, commentary and news purposes

Facing Scylla in Hades 2 means conquering three Sirens, Scylla, Jetty, and Roxy, and surviving through three separate phases. Here’s how to get past them.

Phase 1

In Phase 1, the fight will begin with all three Sirens in normal mode. Though the combined powers they will use may feel overwhelming, it will be easy to defeat them once you have learned to avoid being on the receiving end of their abilities.

Here are the powers they will use against you and how you can avoid them:


  • Scylla possesses a powerful close-range AoE attack that she will use as she tries to get near you. So, to avoid succumbing to her powers, you must dodge her attacks once she starts doing this.
  • Scylla can launch a wave of orbs that cover the field once they spread out. To avoid this, you must dash through the orb or get far away to continue the game.
  • Scylla also has a melee attack that she uses if you get near her. However, an audio queue tells you if she’s about to perform this move, which can help you prepare to dodge it before it happens.


  • Jetty is the most agile compared to the two and will dash around to try to run you down. After colliding and dashing, she will release a ring that slowly grows big and can consume you. So, you have to dash into this ring or keep your distance.
  • She also unleashes rapid air projectiles. Though they won’t hurt you, they can stun you, so you must avoid them.
  • Like Scylla, Jetty has a quick melee attack that hurts. You must dodge it to remain unscathed.


  • Roxy is the group's drummer and only has one extremely deadly move. She can unleash a series of AoE attacks that can traverse from one side of the map to the other. Don’t worry; you can still avoid this through the gaps at the bottom of the map or dash it at the right time.

Phase 2

After damaging the three Sirens in Phase 1, they will go to shield mode in Phase 2. When Scylla, Jetty, and Roxy are defeated, one will take the lead and be much stronger.

  • Scylla will begin to summon large and slow-moving projectiles that will follow you.
  • Roxy will start unleashing an attack covering the whole field—except her area. She gets more aggressive, and her rings will become bigger, with a wider attack that can do more damage.

Though you must deal with more projectiles and stronger attacks in Phase 2, your plan will stay the same.

You have to do your best to dodge these attacks to beat them.

Phase 3

In the final phase, you must face the final boss, Scylla.

But don’t be deceived by her abilities, even though she’s only left with one leg. She will become more aggressive and stronger than before.

This time, she will summon a shoal of piranha-like enemies you have dealt with throughout Oceanus.

Sadly, you can’t continuously avoid them throughout the fight, so you must quickly take Scylla down here while trying to dodge the Piranhas.

Tips and Tricks to Defeat Scylla and the Sirens in Hades 2

Hades 2's Scylla and the Sirens
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Credit: Screenshot at 0:26 via Video Game News Official YouTube Channel, Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuCJi1T8gwo, License: Fair use for promotional, commentary and news purposes

You now know how to defeat Scylla and the Sirens in Hades 2, so here are additional tips and tricks you can follow to get through the fight much more easily.

  • Beat Roxy first, as she always keeps still, making her an easy target.
  • Don’t get near Roxy too long. She and Scylla will try to corner you, so you must keep them apart and dash back to beat the drummer first.
  • Attack Scylla in the front, as her shell at the back protects her. So, backstabbing her will do no damage.
  • Use Hestia’s Scorch abilities to do more damage.
  • When Scylla, Roxy, and Jetty join forces, you can cast the great powers of Scorch, Lightning Bolts, and Apollo’s Solar Ring to do massive damage.
  • You can also cast your powers to keep the Piranhas away while fighting Scylla in Phase 3.
  • Don’t get too excited to put Scylla down. Deal with Roxy and Jetty first before you face the final boss. Patience is the key, as they say.
  • You also use the Omega Attack against the Sister Blades to get behind the Sirens and avoid their attacks.

Boss Fight Rewards You Can Get After Defeating Scylla and the Sirens in Hades 2

Hades 2's Scylla
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Credit: Screenshot at 2:26 via Video Game News Official YouTube Channel, Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuCJi1T8gwo, License: Fair use for promotional, commentary and news purposes

Big boss fight rewards await after successfully defeating Scylla and the Sirens in Hades 2.

You will receive the Pearl and, of course, the ability to move to the next region.

The Pearl can be used for incantations, unlocking, and upgrading a few Weapon Aspects.

Hopefully, this guide will help you beat Scylla and the Sirens in Hades 2. For more news, updates, and guides, stick with us at Gfinity.

READ MORE: Hades 2: How To Beat Cereberus

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