How to open eyeball chests in Hogwarts Legacy

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An eye chest being opened in Hogwarts Legacy.
November 10, 2023 - With the release of Hogwarts Legacy on Switch fast approaching, we've updated our guide on how to open eyeball chests.

Not content with letting a chest go unopened? Here's how to open eyeball chests in Hogwarts Legacy. You won't be able to bust open the first one you find right there and then, but with this guide, you'll learn the necessary ability to do so relatively early on in the game.

Beyond being a great source of gold to spend on new gear, cosmetics, and potion ingredients, knowing how to open eyeball chests can quickly level you up. They're also great reasons to go back into areas you thought you'd explored fully. You never know what else you might find after learning a couple of new spells.

How to open eyeball chests in Hogwarts Legacy

You might have noticed that chests with eyeballs in Hogwarts Legacy slam shut when they spot you. They start with their single eye wide open when you're far enough away, then react in shock as you approach them. They consequently slam shut with a bassy thud as soon as you get in their line of sight.

Unfortunately, violence isn't the answer here. You can't blast the eye on the chest from a distance with your wand, you can't burn it with Incendio, or even rely on the common unlocking spell Alohomora to force it open. Instead, you simply have to sneak. The clue is how it reacts to seeing you. So you need to do what you can to stop eyeball chests from ever laying a gaze upon you.

To do that, you need to unlock the Disulssionment charm through the main story, which allows you to turn invisible on a whim. You'll learn this by following the main story up to the point where you're told to infiltrate the library's forbidden section, which begins with a brief introduction on how to hide yourself with magic and sneak around undetected.

Unlocking an eye chest in Hogwarts Legacy with the Disillusionment charm.
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As soon as you have the spell unlocked, just put it on your spell button cluster and get to opening those eyeball chests.

Cast it upon yourself whenever you spot one and approach the eyeball chest slowly. It won't spot you, and it won't slam shut. If you're too close before you use the spell, you'll need to back up and watch it open again before casting the charm and approaching.

Get close and you'll be able to grab what's inside, finally alerting the eye chest and sending it into a bit of a spiral of despair. It was tricked and lost its belongings, and you'll be able to spot the defeat in its single, sad, retina.

What's inside eye chests in Hogwarts Legacy?

For the most part, eyeball chests are holding a good chunk of change. Bust them open and you'll likely see 500 gold added to your purse.

With so many of them scattered throughout even the easily accessible areas of Hogwarts, they're a great way to buy out the gear shop in Hogsmead early on. Get searching. Wand handles await the rich.

How to find more eyeball chests in Hogwarts Legacy - eyeball chest locations

Eyeball chests in Hogwarts Legacy aren't just limited to the Hogwarts grounds. You'll find them all over the open world.

Hogsmead, in particular, has a bunch of them behind and inside shops and hidden under the bridges leading out. If you don't come across them naturally, you'll certainly hear them slam shut as you cross their paths. Listen out for the deep rumble.

In Hogwarts Castle itself, you'll find them practically everywhere. They're in bathrooms, they're in bedrooms, and they're at the end of every not-so-obvious corridor.

For more Hogwarts Legacy guides to open in other tabs while you play, we recommend our pages on how to change house in Hogwarts Legacy, how to change your appearance, and how to get the Elder Wand in-game. And check out how to open puzzle doors. They require a slightly different approach.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Hogwarts Legacy page.