How to Defeat Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw in Black Myth: Wukong

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Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw boss in Black Myth: Wukong

Residing in the Snake Trail Shrine in Bamboo Grove, Lang-Li is considered the brother of Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang. While this optional boss has a shorter health bar and fewer fancy tricks, its electric attacks and quick reaction time can deal considerable damage.

As always, however, you can defeat him with an efficient strategy proven to work. This guide sheds light on how to defeat Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw in Black Myth: Wukong.

Where is Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw in Black Myth: Wukong?

Lang-Li-Guuh-Baw is in Bamboo Grove. However, you must first confront the Lingxuzi boss. Afterwards, head towards the Snake Trail Shrine. Upon taking a left, you’ll reach a river from where the road splits into two directions. Continue the path opposite the Snake-looking patrol guards to finally reach Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw.

You’ll notice that this optional boss has no cutscene—a huge advantage since it won’t expect an attack from you initially.

Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw’s Offensive Strategy

Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw attacks in Black Myth: Wukong
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Unlike other bosses in the game, Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw does not have an exhaustive list of attacks—his offense consists of 11 moves. This gives you another advantage over this enemy since most of his attacks will be repetitive, allowing you to study and learn his strategy quickly.

That said, Lang-Li is equipped with tongue-sweeping and electrical attacks, both melee and long-ranged, that can either stun you (allowing him to follow up with another attack) or deal considerable damage.

Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw’s Most Common Attacks

To counter Lang-Li’s attacks, you must learn to recognize them. Here’s a list of commonly used moves he resorts to:

  • Lightning Tongue Whip: Typically used during the second phase, after he loses some health, he’ll attack you with his electrified tongue in a straight direction. Countering it is fairly easy, as you just have to dodge left or right.
  • Hop: As the name suggests, Lang-Li will hop twice towards you. If you’re underneath him during the attack, you’ll face consequences. To counter this move, dodge forward in his direction during his second hop. Once he lands, dash back to gain a window to attack him.
  • Back Kicks: If you stand directly behind Lang-Li, he can kick you back with both his feet to stun you—and follow up with a second attack. Generally, countering his moves does require you to stand behind him, but you should maintain a distance. Staying too close will earn you a back-kick from Lang-Li.
  • Tongue Grab: The frog turns its head to the right for a split second and follows up with an electrified tongue sweep toward you to pull you in its mouth. To counter this, dodge forward.
  • Electrical Orbs: The boss throws multiple electrical orbs forward; these can come from various angles. A good indicator is to look out for his throat glowing yellow. To counter this offense, maintain a reasonable distance from Lang-Li.
  • Electrical Burst: Standing on its rear legs and thumping his stomach, Lang-Li roars while looking towards the sky. This is where multiple areas on the pond turn slightly yellow—indicating an attack. Lighting bolts will start to pour down, dodge towards the boss to stay safe from them, and follow up with a counter. If you’re not close to Lang-Li, dodge-roll towards the left or right when the area nearby sparks yellow.

Each of these attacks is capable of either stunning or damaging you. And while other attacks do the same, these are more dangerous.

How to Defeat Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw in Black Myth: Wukong

Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw in Black Myth: Wukong
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Lang-Li will begin his tongue-sweeping combos if you fail to land the first blow in the fight. Apart from the tongue-sweeping attack, he’ll use a combo of melee and long-range attacks, including ones where he hops toward you or uses his back-kicks.

You can easily dodge these attacks if you’ve studied the list above. Try to move near the optional boss with each dodge or counter and deal him damage. You’ll have your Immobilze Spell on you, but that’s not recommended in the initial stages of the fight since Lang-Li will not resort to his electrical attacks there.

Once he does, however, you can use the countering strategies above (these will also apply to other attacks). Again, try to close the gap between you and the enemy.

Use your Immobilize Spells to freeze him once you’ve gotten the indicator of his electrical attacks—this will not only make the Spell last longer but also give you a prolonged window to deal heavy attacks.

While we previously mentioned that the best way to counter and make room for attack is to stay behind the frog-looking boss, he also uses moves that leave an opening to attack if you dodge at the right moment.

  • Back-Kicks
  • Tongue Sweeps
  • Physical Combos

Another advantage you’ll have over this optional boss is its short health bar, so we don’t recommend using much of your resources for this fight. Instead, save them for more difficult ones that follow.

Rewards For Defeating Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw

After you defeat Lang-Li, you get access to the following:

  • Tadpole
  • 770x Wills
  • 1x Stone Spirit
  • 1x Yaoguai Core
  • Crafting Recipe for the Evil Repelling Medicament

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