How to Find and Kill Annihilator Tanks in Helldivers 2

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Annihilator Tanks in Helldivers 2
Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

Nothing causes as much of a headache as the heavily armored Annihilator Tanks in Helldivers 2. Any battle with them is always tough, but sometimes unavoidable. This guide can help you find and kill Annihilator Tanks in Helldivers 2.

From time to time, personal order will require you to kill two Annihilator Tanks, which is certainly a difficult challenge. However, with the right weapons, you can defeat them in the name of Democracy.

But before we dive into this topic, feel free to take a look at our guides on how to find and defeat Brood Commanders and Scout Striders in Helldivers 2.

How to find Annihilator Tanks

Annihilator Tanks are perhaps the deadliest of the Automatons. For this reason, they begin to appear on the battlefield only at difficulty level 5 and higher. So, to significantly increase the chance of finding Annihilator Tanks in Helldivers 2, we recommend you choose Evacuate or Eradicate missions.

Annihilator Tanks in Helldivers 2
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Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

Also, it is important to note that among the Automaton army, there are two types of Tanks. To distinguish them, you just need to pay attention to the turret gun. The Annihilator Tank has a long-barreled main cannon. At the same time, the Shredder Tank machine gun instead of a cannon.

How to kill Annihilator Tanks

Finding Annihilator Tanks in Helldivers 2 is only half the battle, as they are very hard to destroy. In addition to heavy armor, each of these enemies has a deadly cannon as its main weapon and a machine gun as its secondary weapon. Luckily the latter is placed in front of the Tank, so avoiding it is not that difficult. But the cannon is a headache as it can rotate 360 degrees and will kill you with one hit. Therefore, to kill Annihilator Tanks in Helldivers 2 you need to use these methods:

  • Attack the weak spot - Like all Automatons, the Annihilator Tank has a weak point that looks like a vent. It is located at the back of the turret. Unfortunately, regular weapons cannot penetrate it, but a Laser Cannon or Railgun will be enough to cause damage.
  • Use the best Staratagems - To penetrate the heavy armor of the Annihilator Tank in Helldivers 2, you will need enormous firepower. In other words, this enemy is an excellent target for Orbital Lasers or 500kg Bombs.
  • Use the blind spot - Although difficult, you can climb up the Annihilator Tank. In this case, it will not be able to attack you, while you will be able to shoot the weak point. But be careful and never approach the Tank from the front, otherwise the machine gun will turn you into pink mist. In addition, watch out for other Automatons for whom you will become an easy target.

That's all you need to know about how to find and kill Annihilator Tanks in Helldivers 2. Even though they are one of the toughest enemies, you can show them the power of Democracy using the right strategies.

And while you're still here, make sure to take a look at our article on how to find and kill Hunters in Helldivers 2.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Helldivers 2 page.