How to Get the Lost in Translation Badge in Doors Floor 2

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Credit: Roblox / LSPLASH

Do you want to know how to get the "Lost in Translation" badge in Roblox Doors Floor 2? If the answer is yes, then you're in the right spot. This comprehensive guide will teach you everything you need to know to unlock this badge.

Although earning this badge isn't very difficult, it involves some complicated steps. Read on to find out exactly how to do it.

How to get the Lost in Translation badge in Doors Floor 2

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Credit: Premiumsalad YouTube Channel
Transforming a candle in Roblox Doors Floor 2.

Perhaps the most challenging achievement introduced with the Doors Floor 2 expansion is the "Lost in Translation" badge. To earn this badge in Roblox Doors Floor 2, you need to find a special portal called the Rift and transmute an object there.

The object you need to transform in the Rift is a candle. Therefore, your first task is to find this item. To do this, head to Floor 1 (The Hotel). Simply create an elevator or take one of the elevators available in the lobby.

Now, you need to explore the rooms and search for candles. Keep in mind that candles are typically found on tables or inside drawers. Once you find one, add it to your inventory and proceed to the next step.

Next, progress through the game until you reach Door 100. Once you find the final door of this map, go through it and continue a bit further. Eventually, you'll come across a huge door with a lever on the right side. This is where you need to be extra cautious.

After pulling the lever, the door will open, and a monster will be released. You'll need to run and hide from it. The best places to hide are closets, so be sure to use them to avoid getting caught.

While the monster is searching for you, quietly leave your hiding spot and enter the door where you released it without being seen. Go down the stairs you encounter and enter the first room you find.

This is where you'll find the special portal called the Rift. Take the candle you added to your inventory earlier and interact with the glowing skull key by holding down the "E" key for a few seconds.

This is where the magic happens: your regular candle will transform into the Possessed Candle. Most importantly, you'll unlock the "Lost in Translation" badge.

There you have it; that's everything there is to know about getting the Lost in Translation badge in Roblox Doors Floor 2.

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