League of Legends 14.1 patch notes

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Credit: Riot Games

The League of Legends 14.1 patch notes contain a wealth of information surrounding the first season of 2024.

Patch notes for Riot Games' hugely popular MOBA often contain numerous changes impacting some of the most popular champions in addition to various mechanics that are crucial to master. Update 14.1 features a number of changes affecting specific champions, over 100 items, and changes to the entirety of the map.

Before we take a closer look at what the League of Legends 14.1 patch notes have in store, check out the best monitor to use for the best view of Summoner's Rift.

League of Legends update 14.1 patch notes

Void gameplay changes

  • Three Voidgrubs spawn at 5 minutes into the game.
  • Each Voidgrub will spawn 4 Voidmites every 12 seconds in combat.
  • Voidgrubs can respawn once per game as each one has their own individual respawn timer of 4 minutes, so feel free to just take one and walk away.
  • On death, Voidgrubs will give other nearby Voidgrubs a 25% Maximum Health + 25% Missing Health shield that decays over 10 seconds.
  • Killing one Voidgrub grants the player and allied teammates one stack of the Hunger of the Void Buff, which causes your non-proc attacks to deal bonus true damage to structures over 4 seconds. This damage will scale with the number of Voidgrubs slain at a rate of 4 (melee) / 3 (ranged) true damage every 0.5 seconds per stack.
  • Once your team hits 5 stacks of the buff, you will spawn 1 Voidmite to help when attacking towers (15 second cooldown). At 6 stacks the amount of Voidmites is increased to 2. Voidmites summoned by players have the same stats as a melee minion, but with 40% less health and 50% more movespeed.
  • Voidgrubs despawn at 13:45 in-game time (or 13:55 if Voidgrubs are in combat) to make way for Rift Herald.
  • The first Voidgrub taken per spawn group* will count as an epic takedown reward for the first one you participate in killing. For example, Cho’Gath can get one epic monster stack from the first Voidgrub he kills in the first spawn group, and then one more if he kills a Voidgrub that spawned in the second group. (*The Voidgrubs that spawn at 5 minutes are the first spawn group, and once slain the Voidgrubs that replace them are the second spawn group.)


  • Health: 250 (+250 per minute of game time)
  • Attack Damage: 10 (+2.5 per minute of game time)
  • Attack Speed: 0.5
  • Armor: 0
  • Magic Resistance: 0
  • Movement Speed: 350
  • Attack Range: 500 units
  • Experience: 75 (+2% per level over 4*) (*Level is calculated as the average level of champions in the game, rounded up)
  • Gold Given on Takedown: 20 gold to the killer + 10 gold per player (including killer)

Voidmites (When summoned by Voidgrubs)

  • Health: 20 (+40 per minute of game time)
  • Attack Damage: 6 (+0.5 per minute of game time)
  • Attack Speed: 2
  • Armor: 0
  • Magic Resistance: 0
  • Movement Speed: 420
  • Attack Range: 125
  • Experience: 0
  • Gold Given on Takedown: 1 gold to killer
League of Legends champions
click to enlarge
Credit: Riot Games

Revamped Rift Herald

  • If you or an allied teammate summon the Rift Herald, one player (either the user or a teammate) can right click the Herald in order to hop onto Shelly. Right clicking any direction while channeling onto Herald will allow the player to pick where Herald will start charging. While charging, players can steer the Rift Herald while she charges forward (similar to a Sion ultimate).
  • The Rift Herald receives 1 use of Charge when summoned which is consumed as soon as a player hops onto Herald (or when Herald automatically Charges a tower unpiloted). In the event a nearby enemy tower or inhibitor is destroyed, Herald will receive an additional Charge. This Charge (and cooldown) is displayed on Rift Herald’s health bar.
  • The Charge lasts for up to 14 seconds, starting at 150 movement speed and ramping up to 600 movement speed over 5 seconds (this is increased by 75% when charging towards an enemy tower). The charge will end upon collision with a structure or terrain, reducing the Herald’s health by 66% and ejecting the player 200 (+75% of player’s attack range) units in the opposite direction of the charge. In the event Herald’s Charge hits a live tower the ejection distance is increased to 700 (+75% of player’s attack range) units.
  • If a player steers the Rift Herald through enemies (including champions), the enemy will receive 250 true damage and be knocked airborne.
  • If a player steers the Rift Herald into an enemy structure a bonus 2000 (+0-750 based on average champion level) damage will be dealt to the structure, 5 (+ the number of Hunger of the Void stacks of the user) Voidmites will be spawned to attack the tower, and the player will gain a temporary shield.
  • NEW Rift Herald now has Baron’s Gaze which reduces damage taken from the last enemy attacked by 50%.
  • Empowered Recall: The holder gains Empowered Recall until the Eye is used/expires ⇒ All allied champions who assisted in killing Herald gain a single completed use of Empowered Recall
  • Sharing (Gold) is Caring: Rift Herald grants any gold it gains from turrets/turret plates to the player that summoned them (if they weren't around) ⇒ Rift Herald grants any gold it gains from turrets/turret plates to all champions who assisted in killing the Herald
  • NEW Auto Cast: Upon expiring, the Eye of the Herald will auto-cast with no channel time and summon Rift Herald. In the event your champion is currently dead, the Herald will spawn in your team’s fountain.
  • Health: 7125-14250 (based on level)
  • Attack Damage: 99.5-250 (based on level)
  • Attack Speed: 0.4
  • Armor: 60
  • Magic Resistance: 50
  • Movement Speed: 325
  • Attack Range: 250
  • Experience: 306-320 (based on level)
  • Gold Given on Takedown: 100 gold to killer, 100 local gold

Sentinel and Brambleback adjustments

  • Crest of Insight (Blue Buff): 5/10/15/20 Haste ⇒ 10 Haste
  • Crest of Cinders (Red Buff): 0.5/1/3/5% Max Health Regeneration (levels 1/4/6/11) ⇒ 0.5/1/3% Max Health Regeneration (levels 1/4/6)
  • When the buffs become Voidborn they no longer transfer to opponents upon the owner’s death (mainly to prevent giant messes with everyone having buffs all the time)

Baron Nashor changes

  • Hunting Baron: Baron calls a pillar of lightning over every nearby enemy. After 0.7 seconds they begin to strike, delayed by 0.1 second per strike. These deal 15% of the target’s current health.
  • All-Seeing Baron: Baron summons rifts toward the two furthest enemies he can see within 2200 units. These last for 3 seconds and deal 150 magic damage on the first hit, and 50 damage for every subsequent hit.
  • Territorial Baron: Baron reaches out, after 1.5 seconds he grabs all enemies in a cone, pulling them 300 units and dealing 75 magic damage to them.

Baron Nashor

  • Health: 11400 (+180 per minute from game start)
  • Attack Damage: 350 (+ 10 per minute from spawn) (Note: AD will cap at 520)
  • Attack Speed: 0.625
  • Armor: 120
  • Magic Resistance: 70
  • Movement Speed: 300 lol
  • Attack Range: 955
  • Experience: 600 to all contributors plus 800 distributed among nearby allied teammates
  • Gold Given on Takedown: 25 gold to killer, 300 per allied player

League of Legends update 14.1 map changes


Top lane is in a constant push and pull between players wanting more influence and output over the rest of the map in the lane, and also being substantially less influenced by the other roles, especially early on. For most players, the lane simultaneously feels entirely at the mercy of your jungler (or roaming support in higher skill levels) and also unable to do anything to win the game except with major leads.

With these changes we’re substantially reducing the ability for other lanes to affect top in the early game, letting the 1v1 fight really shine. It’s not like the jungler won’t be able to gank at all, so still watch out. We’re also shifting top brush into a pixel in the center of the river so it’s less side-skewed and substantially more powerful when contested. It tends to be correct to ward outside of the river brush on live in many cases and while this still remains true to an extent, this brush is closer to an optimal warding position and is less potent for ganking than before.

Also, an extension of the jungler influence on top lane was early Rift Herald. More often than not, Rift Herald was dropped in top lane (it’s closest to her lair after all), and she absolutely destroys any laning phase that might exist. What’s a tower to a crab god? Shelly regularly invalidated laning phases by destroying towers and adding giant influxes of gold to a specific laner, usually entirely at the jungler’s whim. We’ve seen that quite often both top laners are dissatisfied with lanes breaking apart this early—the behind player being put into the dumpster, and the ahead player not having any more time to play with their lead. By pushing back Rift Herald, we’re intending to substantially reduce the volatility of the late laning phase top lane experience. Dovetailing off the objective space, one of our goals with the new Voidgrubs objective is that top laners will have a lot more agency in affecting the outcome of the early top side objective than before. We’re also making the top side objective more potent for team-wide success than previously so that their early leads can matter more for the team. We’ll go more into the Voidgrubs down below, but overall we’re aiming to give top laners a lane more protected from outside influence while making their lane more important for the team’s overall chances of victory.


Mid lane was a similar set of changes for some slightly different goals. It is the lane (on live) with by far the most access for ganking, and one thing we’ve noticed is that over the years players have learned just how unsafe the lane is for a lot of our more immobile champions without great self-peel. The Zyras and Brands and Karthuses of League have felt like the midlane was no longer able to be their home as more and more high-agency characters appeared and junglers learned just how easy it was to punish these immobile mages.

Our main goal here was to make mid substantially safer for this class of characters at a fundamental level. Opening up midlane to be mage-forward should give us a real role for this class again. The goal is not at all to push assassins out of this lane, just make it more hospitable for immobile characters with respect to their ability to face junglers. They’re still definitely gankable, but should be a bit less so than they are currently.

The other main change for mid was to open up roam paths that are a little bit safer. Each side will have a path players can roam along that requires putting themselves at substantially less risk to get to river or even the respective lane they’re roaming to. We’re pushing out the mid lane brush for the same reasons. Providing mid laners with about 20% more time after seeing an enemy before they can get into actionable range should give substantially less power to early ganks and much more safety to these immobile characters.

Mid lane, at its core, is a lane that requires some amount of roaming to support junglers or side lanes. And in the current state of League, the mid laners who don’t have the agency to safely roam feel invalidated by the role. Altogether our goal here is to lower the requirements to a functional mid laner across champions so that we can support a wider roster of champions there, particularly immobile mages and their like. We are definitely not trying to push champions out of the role though and will definitely be balancing to follow up here, especially since there are surely a number of high-agency mages who will benefit a lot and be overbearing at the start.


Bot lane is getting a smaller set of changes visually, but we definitely still expect them to be quite impactful overall. Just like top lane, we’re adding parity across sides so that entrances to lane and brush positions are matched roughly equally across sides.

These changes open up a new gank pathway through bottom red jungle and are among our riskiest changes to the map. We’re reducing gank potency elsewhere while nominally increasing it bot lane, so we’ll be watching this portion of the map very closely to ensure that it’s still reasonable and enjoyable. Red side bot lane is now particularly more vulnerable than before (as opposed to blue side) because it doesn’t have the extra distance created from Dragon pit walls to give more time for responding to action on vision or even just to slightly delay movement from river.

This new gank pathway also doesn’t allow for as easy contesting of vision in its tri brush because of the relatively easier access from river. It’s a difficult spot on the map for us to balance and one we’ll look at closely. The center of river brush should also be more of a focal point to contest as compared to before as it has deeper river control than the old brush and is less side-skewed.

This brush should be substantially worse for ganking red-side bot lane when unwarded, however. On live, the river brush gives near unfettered access to lane and this power is brought down to mitigate the concerns around gankability of red-side bot lane. Notably, this brush does cover access to the red tri brush from river to protect your bot lane from all but the deepest wraparound ganks.


Finally, we adjusted the geometry in the jungle to support these lane adjustments and add a lot of new interest to Dragon and Baron fights. Access to these epic monster fights on live is relatively easy through a major choke point opposite the monster, or minor chokepoints deeper into river or the jungle further out.

The latest adjustments aim to shift away from a single choke point and focus combat around multiple entries, as well as generally overhaul how these fights play out as this space is quite solved and players are very used to this macro. Contesting should be a little bit more equal across sides as it currently tends to advantage the team who can comfortably engage and escape from an objective.

These adjustments as noted above also do help roaming quite a bit as there’s a safe secondary path for both teams that doesn’t involve any jungle movement. All in all, our goal is that junglers should have a harder time ganking, especially early, but shouldn’t feel like they have no more agency over the game.

League of Legends 15.1 Champion buffs and nerfs


  • Base Armor: 18 ⇒ 21
  • Champion Bonus Damage to Non-Epic Monsters: 42% ⇒ 25%
  • Pet Damage per Second: 15.5 (+10% bonus AD) (+12% AP) (+20% bonus Armor) (+20% bonus Magic Resistance) (+ 3% bonus Health) true damage ⇒ 20-90 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+12% AP) (+20% bonus Armor) (+20% bonus Magic Resistance) (+ 3% bonus Health) true damage
  • Pet Damage per Second Cap vs Epic Monsters: 16-40 (based on level)

League of Legends 14.1 item changes

Celestial Opposition

  • Passive - Blessing of the Mountain: Become Blessed to reduce incoming champion damage by 35% (melee) / 25% (ranged), lingering for 2 seconds after taking damage from a champion. When the shield breaks, unleash a shockwave around you that slows nearby enemies by 50% for 1.5 seconds. Effect refreshes after leaving combat for 20 seconds.

Solstice Sleigh

  • Passive: Slowing or Immobilizing an enemy champion grants you and a nearby ally with the lowest amount of health 120 bonus health and 90 movement speed for 4 seconds. 20-second cooldown.


  • Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, your next attack is enhanced with an additional 150% base AD damage on-hit (1.5 second cooldown). If the target is a champion, apply Expose Weakness, increasing the damage they take by 12% (melee) / 8% (ranged) for 6 seconds.

Dream Maker

  • Passive - Dream Maker: Gain a Blue Dream Bubble and a Purple Dream Bubble every 8 seconds. Healing and Shielding another ally blows both Dream Bubbles to them and empowers them for 3 seconds. Blue Bubble reduces 140 incoming damage on the next hit and Purple Bubble grants 90 bonus magic damage on the next hit.

Zaz' Zak's Realmspike

  • Passive - Void Explosion: Dealing ability damage to a champion causes an explosion at their current location that damages the target and nearby enemies, dealing 50 (+3% maximum health) magic damage, capped at 300 against monsters. 9-6 second cooldown (based on level).

Glowing Mote

  • Total Cost: 250 gold
  • 5 Ability Haste


  • Total Cost: 2700 gold
  • Item Recipe: Bandleglass Mirror + Bandleglass Mirror + 700 gold
  • 40 Ability Power
  • 20 Ability Haste
  • 150% Mana Regeneration
  • Passive - Dawncore: Gain 3% Heal and Shield Power and 5 Ability Power per 100% Base Mana Regeneration.
  • Passive - Summoner Spell Haste: Gain 18 Summoner Spell Haste.

Echoes of Helia

  • Total Cost: 2300 ⇒ 2200 gold
  • Item Recipe: Chalice of Blessings + Bandleglass Mirror + 400 gold ⇒ Kindlegem + Bandleglass Mirror + 400 gold
  • 200 Health (unchanged)
  • 125% Mana Regeneration (unchanged)
  • Ability Power: 30 ⇒ 40
  • Ability Haste: 15 ⇒ 20
  • Passive - Soul Siphon: Damaging a champion grants a Soul Shard, up to 2. Healing or Shielding an ally consumes all Soul Shards and restores 20 - 80 per health per Shard and deals 30 - 180 magic damage per Shard to the enemy. ⇒ Damaging a champion grants a Soul Shard, up to a maximum of 3. Healing or Shielding an ally consumes all Soul Shards and restores 20 Health and deals 55 magic damage per Shard to the nearest enemy champion.
  • Passive - Dissonance removed.

Staff of Flowing Water

  • Total Cost: 2100 ⇒ 2300 gold
  • Item Recipe: Aether Wisp + Forbidden Idol + 450 gold ⇒ Fiendish Codex + Forbidden Idol + 600 gold
  • Ability Power: 35 ⇒ 40
  • Mana Regeneration: 75% ⇒ 125%
  • 15 Ability Haste
  • 8% Heal and Shield Power (unchanged)
  • 5% Movement Speed removed
  • Passive - Rapids: Healing or Shielding allied champions (excluding the user) grants you and them 30 - 45 ability power and 20 ability haste for 4 seconds. ⇒ Healing or Shielding allied champions (excluding the user) grants the user and allied champion 30 Ability Power and 10% bonus Movement Speed over 3 seconds.

Doran's Blade

  • NEW Lifesteal: 3.5%
  • REMOVED Omnivamp: 2.5% ⇒ 0

Doran's Ring

  • Unique Passive - Drain: Restore 1 mana per second, increased to 1.5 if you’ve damaged an enemy champion in the last 10 seconds (gain 45% of this value as health instead if you cannot gain mana) ⇒ Restore 1.25 mana per second (gain 45% of this value as health instead if you cannot gain mana)

League of Legends 14.1 tower adjustments

  • Inner Tower Health: 3600 ⇒ 4000
  • Inhibitor Tower Health: 3300 ⇒ 3500
  • Nexus Tower Health: 2700 ⇒ 3000
  • Backdoor Bonus: Now reduces True Damage to towers rather than nullifying it entirely
  • Backdoor Damage Reduction Amount: 66.666% ⇒ 80%

League of Legends 14.1 QoL changes and bug fixes

QoL changes

  • Trinket wards have been updated to display the same visual effects as control wards when placing them. This is intended to further clarify the range that wards cover, especially with the terrain changes releasing this patch.
  • Qiyana R knockback duration has been increased slightly to reduce chances of R knockback not overlapping with wall stun.
  • Neeko R knockup will no longer move enemies outside of the stun range.
  • Shaco’s R clone will now mirror spell animations and recall visuals.
  • The amount of time required for Jarvan IV to reactivate his ultimate to lower the walls has been reduced from 1 to 0.75 seconds.
  • Sylas’ passive attacks are now single target for primary targets for the purposes of other systems. For example, this will let him proc Press the Attack or kill Yorick Ghouls while his passive is available.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Dark Harvest and Heartsteel to reveal Neeko when she's disguised.

Bug fixes

  • Mordekaiser R will no longer bring Akali Shroud with her through dimensions.
  • Qiyana’s W > Q fast buffer no longer sends her Q towards the 0,0,0 map coordinate.
  • Shaco’s R Clone will spawn with the same mana as Shaco and copy jungle mana regeneration (if he is a jungler)
  • Kog’Maw’s W no longer cancels his auto attacks when the W buff ends.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Fizz’s R water VFX to not show for the Fizz player.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Hwei’s EW to expire before reaching a moving target.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Neeko’s W to scale with ultimate ability haste.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Hwei to cast a different ability from the same subject if his previous cast was interrupted by an item usage.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Hecarim’s E to critically strike with 0% critical strike chance.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Hwei’s subjects to go on cooldown after certain rapid button press combinations.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Hwei to cast a different spell than the one he input while move casting.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Viego’s R to be replaced with Hwei’s R upon possessing him.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Janna’s allies to be able to receive bonus movement speed from her passive while Janna is dead.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Spear of Shojin’s passive to apply to Ultimate abilities.

Cosmetic bug fixes

  • Bewitching Fiora’s Duelist Dance (P) indicator visibility has been updated and aligns with her Base indicator visibility.
  • Faerie Court Fiora’s Duelist Dance (P) indicator visibility has been updated and aligns with her Base indicator visibility.
  • Lunar Beast Fiora’s Duelist Dance (P) indicator visibility has been updated and aligns with her Base indicator visibility.
  • Prestige Lunar Beast Fiora’s Duelist Dance (P) indicator visibility has been updated and aligns with her Base indicator visibility.

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