All Drink Link answers in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

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Seonhee, Zhao, and Nanba posing for a selfie in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Credit: RGG Studio

Looking for help with the Drink Link answers in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth? You're not alone. Providing the right response can increase a different stat for Ichiban and Kiryu.

Both Ichiban and Kiryu have unique stats you need to increase to get special perks in combat. Ichiban has six personality traits that buff his Hero job abilities, while Kiryu has three awakening stats that boost each style of his Dragon of Dojima job.

In this guide, we'll provide all the answers for each Drink Link conversation, so you know which one to pick if you're looking to max out a specific stat.

While you're here, check out our complete guide that will tell you the best jobs for all characters in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

Drink Links explained in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

If you don't know what Drink Links are, it's a mechanic that makes its return from the previous mainline title in the series, Yakuza: Like a Dragon (or Like a Dragon 7).

After you've deepened your bond with a character, you can hop over to a bar and start the Drink Link. There are five for each character besides Ichiban and Kiryu, giving you a chance to get to know them better, as well as making them more powerful allies in combat by unlocking special abilities as you complete more Drink Links.

Drink Links are essentially conversations that give you a glimpse into a character's personality while giving you the chance to boost a stat of the main protagonists, depending on the answers you've provided.

Drink Link answers in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Adachi, Chitose, Nanba, and Ichiban having a drink
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Credit: RGG Studio
Drink Links are key to making your party members better in combat

Now that we've explained what they are. Let's give you full details on all Drink Link answers in Like a Dragon 8.

Full disclosure, at the time of writing, we've yet to complete all of them with this being a very beefy game, but we'll keep updating with more answers as we progress.

Another thing worth noting is that both Kiryu and Ichiban have access to different character's Drink Links. With all that said, let's begin.

Tomizawa Drink Link answers

Drink Link 1

Answer 1

  • Honestly, that was nothing - Charisma +30
  • I bet Marie's doing well - Passion +30
  • Has time healed those wounds - Confidence +30

Answer 2

  • You don't know that for sure - Charisma +30
  • I bet Marie doesn't think so - Passion +30
  • It wasn't your fault - Confidence +30

Drink Link 2

Answer 1

  • Aren't you relieved? - Intellect +30
  • Only one way to be certain - Style +30
  • Hey, that's great news! - Kindness +30

Answer 2:

  • Staying away might be best - Intellect +30
  • You have to find her - Style +30
  • Maybe there's no right move - Kindness +30

Drink Link 3:

Answer 1:

  • To Marie's happiness! Cheers! - Passion +30
  • You need to get closer - Intellect +30
  • Be grateful that she's safe - Charisma +30

Answer 2:

  • Look into the new boyfriend - Confidence +30
  • You could always talk to her - Intellect +30
  • How about we ask the team? - Charisma +30

Drink Link 4:

Answer 1:

  • That was slick - Confidence + 30
  • Kondo must be kinda dim - Intellect + 30
  • You went out without me? - Charisma + 30

Answer 2:

  • So be it. You're a good guy - Passion + 30
  • It's okay to cry, if you want - Style + 30
  • We're both suckers. Let's party - Charisma + 30

Drink Link 5

The final Drink Link involves a boss fight against level 32 enemies. The rewards are:

  • 6,250 EXP
  • 5,626 job EXP
  • $17,325
  • Pure Steel
  • Electric Geode
  • Cabbie's Wrench (five star weapon for Tomizawa's Cabbie job)

Chitose Drink Link answers

Drink Link 1:

Answer 1:

  • If I were rich, I'd want a fancy family photo, too - Charisma +30
  • I guess you don't really like your dad - Passion +30
  • And you're taking over the company after him? - Confidence +30

Answer 2:

  • The grass is always greener on the other side - Charisma + 30
  • It's not too late to improve your relationship now - Passion + 30
  • The Fujinomiya family sure is a special case - Confidence + 30

Drink Link 2

Answer 1:

  • So he's like a butler, always by the lady's side? - Intellect +30
  • Did you have a nanny, too? - Style +30
  • What kind of self-defense did you learn? - Kindness +30

Answer 2:

  • He's a cute ol' grandpa all right - Intellect +30
  • I thought he'd look a little scarier - Kindness +30
  • I can kinda see how tough he'd be - Style +30

Drink Link 3

Answer 1:

  • You could put his mind at ease - Intellect +30
  • When you put it that way, I feel real bad for him - Kindness +30
  • Why don't we just have him join us - Passion +30

Answer 2:

  • How about a personal video message? - Intellect +30
  • Send him a group photo with all of us - Kindness +30
  • Could always send him a selfie with us two - Style +30

Drink Link 4

Answer 1:

  • Just say you don't know anything - Intellect +30
  • Should we do something about it? - Kindness +30
  • We could try to bring him to our side - Passion +30

Answer 2:

  • Did I make you even more worried? - Intellect +30
  • Probably best to keep an eye on him - Kindness +30
  • He must be touched you're worrying over him - Style +30

Adachi Drink Link answers

Adachi Drink Link Dairy in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
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Credit: RGG Studio
Drink Links will also give you insights into each character

Drink Link 1

Answer 1:

  • How bout Kiryu-san's style? - Confidence +30
  • Go for the same 'do I've got! - Passion +30
  • I love you just the way you are now - Style +30

Answer: 2

  • Guess with age comes wisdom - Confidence +30
  • Isn't too early for you to give up? - Passion +30
  • I'll lend you a hand when the time comes - Style +30

Seonhee Drink Link answers

Drink Link 1

Answer 1:

  • Easy for you, I'm sure - Tech +30
  • You don't like to show any weakness, do you? - Body +30
  • So dignified. I'm not worthy of your presence - Soul +30

Answer 2:

  • Please don't take any risks for me - Soul +30
  • I'll meet with your elders - Body +30
  • I really can count on you for anything - Tech +30

Drink Link 2

Answer 1

  • We have to help each other out in times of need - Body +30
  • It's time I pay you back for your hospitality - Tech +30
  • We're a team now. No need to do things alone - Soul +30

Answer 2:

  • Could you let this one slide? - Body +30
  • A boss ought to keep a tight leash on things - Tech +30
  • Maybe you should loosen up a bit yourself - Soul +30

Drink Link 3:

Answer 1

  • If you get another call, I want you to answer it - Tech +30
  • Don't you think you should call back? - Body +30
  • No need to be so considerate of me - Soul +30

Answer 2:

  • That sounds more important than drinking with me - Body +30
  • Let's call it a night. I've had enough to drink - Tech +30
  • Don't mind me, I know you want to go - Soul +30

Drink Link 4

Answer 1

  • I get why you didn't want to talk about it now - Soul +30
  • I'm getting pissed just listening to this - Body +30
  • You should talk it out, reach a compromise - Tech +30

Answer 2:

  • It's a tough call, with how complicated the situation is - Tech +30
  • A leader shouldn't be swayed by their emotions - Body +30
  • Take your time to think it over. I'll be thinking, too - Soul +30

Drink Link 5

The final Drink Link is a boss fight, fighting six level 32 enemies, with the following rewards:

  • 11,875 EXP
  • 10,690 job EXP
  • 1,687,500 Yen
  • Assassin's Needles (five star weapon for Seonhee's Assassin job)

Saeko Drink Link answers

Drink Link 1

Answer 1

  • You can use my real name around friends - Tech +30
  • Call me Kazuma, if you want - Body +30
  • Sorry for giving you trouble - Soul +30

Answer 2

  • If you've got something to say, I'll hear it out - Body +30
  • Talking about another man in front of me? - Tech +30
  • Something happen between you and Kasuga? - Soul +30

Drink Link 2:

Answer 1

  • Those guys only exist in soaps - Body +30
  • Anyone could do that if they had the money - Tech +30
  • I should've done that, too - Sould +30

Answer 2

  • The kind who won't be fazed by a ton of roses - Tech +30
  • She's wonderful, but not as lovely as you - Soul +30
  • She's unique. The daughter of the Fujinomiya family - Body +30

Drink Link 3

Answer 1:

  • Whatever happens, I'll protect you - Soul +30
  • Tell me more about this guy - Body +30
  • Are you scared of falling in love? - Tech +30

Answer 2:

  • I know the gist of it - Body +30
  • That's when he pissed you off, right? - Tech +30
  • I want to hear it from you - Soul +30

Drink Link 4:

Answer 1

  • How can I ignore a friend in trouble? - Body +30
  • I've got time, go on - Tech +30
  • Don't go changing the subject, now - Soul +30

Answer 2:

  • The person who called you just now - No stat gain
  • The CEO of the consulting firm - Tech + 30
  • Your business rivals, the club that's headhunting - No stat gain

Nanba Drink Link answers

Drink Link 1

Answer 1:

  • Don't be so hard on yourself - Soul +30
  • You're a man of good character - Body +30
  • I wish my juniors showed me respect - Tech +30

Answer 2:

  • It's reasonable to be angry - Tech +30
  • What a good friend you are - Soul +30
  • Life is hard. Let's drink - Body +30

Drink Link 2:

Answer 1

  • You and I are comrades - Tech +30
  • Let your emotions out - Soul +30
  • I can wait all night - Body +30

Answer 2:

  • It's okay to feel down - Tech +30
  • Be honest with me - Body +30
  • We'll drink until you talk - Soul +30

Drink Link 3

Answer 1

  • Heh, that's not you - Body +30
  • Is that true? - Soul +30
  • I won't tell anyone - Tech +30

Answer 2

  • You deserve to know - Soul +30
  • It's for your peace of mind - Body +30
  • Don't leave things unresolved - Tech +30

Drink Link 4:

Answer 1:

  • When's the wedding? - Soul +30
  • Any updates? - Tech +30
  • Suddenly I feel left out - Body +30

Answer 2:

  • Ask Miyabi-chan out! - Tech +30
  • You don't need my advice - Soul +30
  • See how the boss likes it - Body +30

Drink Link 5:

For Nanba's final Drink Link, you'll fight five level 32 enemies with the following rewards:

  • 10,000 EXP
  • 9,000 job EXP
  • 1,897,500 Yen
  • Homeless Guy's Cane (five star weapon for Nanba's Homeless Guy job)

Zhao Drink Link answers

Drink Link 1

Answer 1:

  • I'm impressed you're so honest about it - Soul +30
  • Guess that was a stupid question - Body +30
  • I'm jealous. All I have are regrets - Tech +30

Answer 2

  • I'll go, but it's on the house, right? - Body +30
  • I'll pass. What if your food's actually bad? - Tech +30
  • Must be nice, doing what you love - Soul +30

Drink Link 2

Answer 1

  • Why not just leave it be? - Soul +30
  • I wonder who they really are - Tech +30
  • You sure they're in the wrong? Body +30

Answer 2

  • Yeah, seems likely to me - Soul +30
  • I think I need more evidence - Body +30
  • Maybe as Geomijul to look into it? - Tech +30

Drink Link rewards

Nanba Drink Link rewards in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
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Credit: RGG Studio
Reap the rewards of being a good friend

All Drink Links give similar rewards, except for each character's first one, which gives them access to the Hype Meter and Tag Team attacks.

Drink Link 1:

  • Tomizawa: Cross Slugger Tag team attack
  • Chitose: Tango for Two Tag team attack
  • Adachi: Double Lariat Tag Team attack
  • Seonhee: Dual Impact Tag Team attack
  • Saeko: Karaoke Forever Tag Team healing move
  • Nanba: Fiery Breath Tag Team attack
  • Zhao: Frying Inferno Tag Team attack

The following rewards are all shared:

  • Drink Link 2: occasionally chain attack knocked-down enemies
  • Drink Link 3: combo attack enemies with a nearby teammate
  • Drink Link 4: Stronger chain attacks against knocked-back enemies
  • Drink Link 5: Chain attack knocked-down enemies more often

And that's all you need to know about Link Drinks in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. For more content, check out our in-depth review of one of this year's GOTY contenders.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth page.