Does Ooblets have multiplayer?

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Three ooblets stood in a line on a pathway, with trees in the background
Credit: Glumberland

Release day is finally here for Ooblets, an adorable farming simulator where players grow their own ooblets, before sending them into dance battles. As the latest farming simulator game to cause a buzz amongst fans of the genre, its left some wondering whether Ooblets will be getting multiplayer?

In this guide, we'll be confirming all the latest news and updates on Ooblets' multiplayer status, as well as the likelihood of the feature coming to the game in the future.

Being able to have a friend alongside you on the farm would be really handy when trying to get Rainplops. The extra set of hands would no doubt make you less reliant on bean juice to get things done.

Ooblets character with glasses stands in a field of crops
click to enlarge
Credit: Glumberland

Can you play multiplayer in Ooblets?

Ooblets clearly takes inspiration from classic farming sims like Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley, however its battle systems offer a new and interesting take on the genre. If Ooblets were to have multiplayer gameplay, it could have the potential to carve out a niche in its own right.

Unfortunately, you cannot play multiplayer in Ooblets. The game is single-player only, so you won't be able to get your friends to help you out on your farm, or challenge them to a a dance battle. Instead, you'll have to rely on your own capabilities to get things done.

In an FAQ last updated in 2016, the Ooblets developer Glumberland did share their thoughts on potentially adding multiplayer to the game. They acknowledged that the nature of Ooblet's gameplay would be suited to multiplayer gameplay, adding in multiplayer would take a very long time for their development team to do.

Instead, Glumberland suggest that the idea is something they may revisit in a sequel to Ooblets if the game finds success. There seems to be no plans to bring the feature to Ooblets itself, which will come as a disappointment for farming sim fans hoping to play with friends.

That's everything there is to know about the status of multiplayer in Ooblets. For more Ooblets content, why not check out our guide on how to eat in Ooblets, or our guide to all the Ooblets clubhouses and how to fix them. We've also got some Ooblets tips if you're just starting out!

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Ooblets page.