Palworld beginners guide - tips and tricks

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Palworld beginners - Pals hard at work

Looking for the best tips and tricks that Palworld beginners may need? In Palworld, you can explore the sprawling open world to capture cute creatures known as Pals and add them to your Paldeck, building up your collection. But that's not all, you can also gather various materials, build a massive base, train your Pals for combat, put them to work, and more.

There's a lot to do in this game, which has plenty of base-building, survival, and crafting elements. In this Palworld beginners guide, we'll take you through some tips and tricks to ensure you get a good start in the game.

Before we begin, you might want to know how to put out a fire in Palworld, in case your base catches fire from a Fire-type Pal. Also, here's how to get Pal Fluids in Palworld.

Palworld beginners - Pal holding a gun
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Palworld beginner tips

Here are all our tips for Palworld beginners, so that you can be the very best Pal catcher!

  • Strategic Base Placement: Choose the Pal Box location wisely, as it dictates your initial base camp. If you need a change, you can always move your Palworld base.
  • Prioritize Wood Collection: Gather ample wood by cutting down trees early on for base structures. Wood serves as a foundation for walls, fires, and other initial builds.
  • Early Shield Acquisition: Prioritize obtaining the Common Shield early for enhanced defence in Pal captures and battles.
  • Efficient Resource Management: Use Cattiva Pals for increased weight capacity during resource hunts. Also, invest stat points in Weight and craft Wooden Chests for streamlined storage.
  • Optimal Pal Capturing: Aim to capture Pals with lower health for higher success chances. Sneak up behind Pals for a bonus capture opportunity.
  • Diverse Pal Types: Capture a variety of Pal types, considering their elemental attributes. Remember that different Pals excel in various tasks, so check out their stats to know what they're best at.
  • Invest Wisely in Technology Points: Allocate Technology Points cautiously, as you can't change them once done. Make sure to have a small surplus for flexibility.
  • Berries for Basic Survival: In the early days, rely on berries for sustenance. Establish a Berry Plantation for a consistent food supply.
  • Balanced Diet: While capturing Pals is fun, consider using Pal meat for sustenance when you're in a tight spot. Learn how to cook, as early-game recipes, from grilled Chikipi to Lamball kebabs, will sate your hunger needs.
  • Automate Feeding with Small Feed Bag: Invest in the Small Feed Bag from the Ancient Technology section to automate feeding for both yourself and your Pals. That way, you don't need to always worry about food.
  • Manage Pals' Sanity (SAN): Pals will underperform if they have low SAN. Monitor Pals' SAN while they're working, and invest in lush Hot Springs to maintain their happiness.
  • Stay Warm and Avoid Flames: Build fires to combat the cold, but be cautious to avoid flames that can harm you. Don't forget that you can rest at night to stay warm, and save resources.
  • Fight the Cold: Combat the cold survival mechanic by crafting clothes from Wool obtained by defeating Lamballs. You can also assign them to a Ranch to produce Wool.
  • Unlock Towers for Fast Travel: Fast Travel towers are scattered across the map, and you can activate them when you come across one. This is the fastest way to cover large distances in Palworld, as you're basically teleporting.
  • Unlock Parachute for Efficient Travel: Build a Parachute, which is available at Level 5, which lets you glide across terrains. Don't forget to keep an eye on your Stamina, though.
  • Use Mounts for Speed: Capture large Pals that you can mount, unlock the saddle, and ride your Pals to travel.
  • Build Alert Systems for Raids: Construct Alarm Bells early to command Pals and defend your base during enemy NPC raids.
  • Respawn and Recovery: Upon death, you can respawn to recover lost items. Use Fast travel from your Palbox to get to the death location as quickly as possible.
  • Syndicate Camp Exploration: Explore Syndicate Camps for rare Pals from unvisited biomes. You can defeat NPCs to unlock caged Pals, which will be sent to your Palbox.
  • Craft Quality Capture Spheres: Progressively craft higher-quality Spheres for increased chances of capturing rare Pals.

We're at the end of our Palworld beginners guide. For more tips and tricks, feel free to check out how to get Coal and High-Quality Pal Oil in Palworld.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Palworld page.