Best Palworld base locations

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Player and their Pals taking care of a farm in a base.

Palworld is, at its core, a game about survival and base building. All the Pals you capture and befriend help you make your base stronger. Naturally, you're going to want this base to be both practically and aesthetically optimal. That's why it's important to choose good base locations in Palworld.

After a bit of progression, you can actually build multiple bases in Palworld, so you'll want to pick out a couple of your favourite locations across the map to build each base at. Today we'll look at things that make a base location great and then list some of the best ones for you to try out!

You should also know how to assign Pals in order to maximize productivity at each base, as well as how to craft a bed.

Player facing towards a large flat area.
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What makes a good base location in Palworld

When you're deciding on where to start building a base in Palworld, there are a few factors you'll want to keep in mind.

  • Large Area: First, and most important, is building your base on a flat area with ample space. This is so that you don't run out of space as your base keeps steadily expanding.
  • Surrounding Region: Next, when possible, you'll want to build your base at a location that houses resources like ore deposits or is near an important landmark.
  • Surrounding Pals: You'll also want to station your base in an area housing decent Pals. It's also recommended that you avoid areas inhabiting bosses, as it's more than likely they might roam around and start wrecking your base.
  • Aesthetic: Finally, it's advisable you pick a place you find scenic or visually appealing. You'll be spending a lot of time building up your base, so might as well take in the sights while you're at it.
Player riding a bird Pal over a field surrounded by red trees.
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Best Palworld base locations

Here are a few of the best base locations that will suit your various needs in Palworld.

Flatland (-121,-349)

This basic flatland isn't much to look at, however, its abundance of space is a huge plus. You can utilize this area to build a base as big as you want for whatever purpose you require. Whether you want to set up a Plantation or a Ranch (or maybe even both), you'll be hard-pressed to use up all the space this base location gives you. Moreover, it's also littered all over with ore, making it prime to house an ore farm, and even has a dungeon spawn that you can take advantage of.

Red tree/autumn biome (75,-374)

The best part about this location is its red tree aesthetic which cannot be found on any other part of the map. It also has iron deposits nearby which you can utilize to stock up on all the iron you need. The desolate church directly south of here also doesn't hurt. You can go there to buff your Pals with Pal Souls. Unfortunately, the trees don't act as much of a barrier against raids, but the area itself doesn't have too many hostile Pals so your base will still be safe.

Player riding a Pal over the windswept hills fort.
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Fort in Windswept Hills (190,-383)

Just looking at this abandoned fort in Windswept Hills you can tell that it was meant to have a base built in it. Not only does it look awesome, but the walls also work as a great barrier against hostile Pals that would want to mess up your base. Though these Pals are still strong enough that you'd want to capture them. Finally, the ores around the area just add to everything that makes this one of the best base locations in the game.

That's all for our guide on the best Palworld base locations. For more, make sure to check out how to build a Production Assembly Line 2 in the game, as well as how to build a Stone Pit.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Palworld page.