How to increase capture chance in Palworld

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palworld faction leader holding powerful captured pal
Credit: Pocket Pair Inc

Palworld does not shy away from putting you face to face with high-level enemies that can wipe you out with a look. As you make your way to the centre of the island, the difficulty will ramp up and capturing Pals becomes harder as well. It's at this point that it's important to know how increase capture chance in Palworld.

If you're on a journey to catch all of the Pals in Palworld, then you have to increase your capture chance to have an easier time with tougher Pals and to save resources. In this guide, we'll go over several tips that can help you increase your chances of a successful capture in Palworld.

While you're on the journey to capture more Pals, be sure to take a look at all Pal variations and how to breed Pals to get new Pals without combat.

How to increase capture chance in Palworld

You might already know the basics of how to capture Pals from our previous guide, but now we'll get into some other tips to keep in mind to boost your chances.

Increase Capture Power

The best way to increase your capture chance is by increasing your Capture Power. You can increase your Capture Power by offering Lifmunk Effigies to the Statue of Power. You can either build your own Statue of Power or use the ones in Churches in the overworld.

palworld statue of power capture power increase
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Credit: Pocket Pair Inc

Be sure to collect any Lifmunk Effigies you find around you, as you'll need a lot of these. You can spot them from far away due to their distinctive bright green glow. They're usually hidden away at the sides or tops of cliffs and mountains.

palworld lifmunk effigy in the overworld
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Credit: Pocket Pair Inc

Apply Status Effects

The game doesn't explicitly tell you, but applying status effects is a great way to increase your capture chance in Palworld. These status effects include Burn, Poison, and Shock.

You can either have your Pals use their respective moves to apply these or use specialised tools such as the Fire Bow, Poison Crossbow or Stun Baton to apply them. You can try applying all of these in succession for the highest chance to capture new Pals.

palworld crafting fire arrows to apply status effect to increase capture chance
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Credit: Pocket Pair Inc

Use Back Bonus

You might not have noticed, but there's a back bonus if you manage to throw a Pal Sphere at a Pal from behind it. If you've managed to weaken a Pal and lost its interest, you can always return and sneak behind it using the crouch button. Then, you'll have a chance to capture it unawares using the boost from the Back Bonus. It's not a major boost, but every percentage helps.

palworld capture back bonus
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Credit: Pocket Pair Inc

Use Captured Bonus

This tip is for those of you trying to fuse and enhance your Pals to the next tier. If you've already captured a Pal of one type, you will get a capture bonus against all Pals of the same species. This is extremely helpful when you're grinding Pal captures for XP gains or the Pal Essence Extractor.

palworld captured bonus
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Credit: Pocket Pair Inc

Use Stronger Pal Spheres

Pal Spheres are your best friend and you can farm enough materials to craft a ton of these. Even if the odds are low, it's always possible to brute force a tough capture with enough Pal Spheres thrown.

But that's not all. Pal Spheres also have tiers, and the higher rarity of Pal Spheres gives you a significantly increased chance of capture against all Pals. Some high-level Pals can only be captured with higher rarity Pal Spheres.

palworld high rarity pal spheres for more capture chance
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Credit: Pocket Pair Inc

With these tips in mind, you'll be able to increase your capture chance in Palworld and catch the most difficult Pals in no time. Be sure to grab the best starter Pals to make your life easier. Also, check out how to ride Pals to get around regions faster.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Palworld page.