Palworld jobs - all work explained

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Palworld player flying above small settlement
Credit: Screengrab via Pocket Pair Inc

The base building in Palworld is an incredibly satisfying gameplay loop that motivates you to go out and look for more every time. However, your base will quickly expand and require you to perform tons of activities. It's important to automate these activities by knowing everything about Palworld jobs and work.

There are several types of work to keep up with, but most of these won't be unlocked till you get a good amount of level-ups. While Palworld does a decent job at pacing the learning curve. Understanding the jobs might be confusing, so in this guide, we're going to cover those and the traits to look for in Pals when assigning them jobs.

While you're here, be sure to learn how to breed Pals and how to increase your capture chances for the rarer Pals.

What are Palworld jobs?

When you build your base or perform any activity that requires you to hold down the crafting button, that is counted as work. You can't be everywhere at once, so you're going to want to assign these jobs to your Pals so they can help out and automate your basic facilities and production lines. To this end, it's important to keep track of every type of job currently on your base and allocate Pals accordingly.

Otherwise, no work will get done despite you assigning it. For example, you can't smelt iron ingots without a fire-type Pal which can perform the Kindling job.

palwork hot pot requiring kindling pal
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Credit: Pocket Pair Inc

You can check what jobs your Pal is suitable for through their detail screen or the symbols in the Palbox. Note that some Pals might have multiple levels in the same job skill, which increases their proficiency. Be sure to consider these for specific jobs.

All Palworld jobs explained

There are a total of 12 jobs in Palworld to perform at your base. Let's take a look at each one and the type of activity they relate to.


Kindling refers to the production of fire, which is used for various activities. You'll need Pals with the Kindling ability to run your campfires, cooking pots, heaters, and furnaces. Its symbol is the orange campfire.

palworld kindling job done by foxspark
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Credit: Pocket Pair Inc


Next up, we have Watering, which is performed by Pals with an affinity for water production. Watering is used for all your farming-related needs as well as running devices that run on water wheels, such as the Mill or Crusher. Its symbol is the light blue drops of water.

palworld all jobs watering
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Credit: Pocket Pair Inc


Planting is a simple ability and involves seeding the various berries and wheat fields that you plant. While simple, this job is necessary to ensure a steady food supply. Its symbol is the light green plant with three leaves.

palwork planting job on fields
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Credit: Pocket Pair Inc


Handiwork is one of the most important jobs as it's related to crafting anything and everything. A Pal with the Handiwork ability can craft weapons, armor, gear and Pal Spheres for you! Its icon is a brown pair of hands.

palwork handicrafting on two benches
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Credit: Pocket Pair Inc


Gathering refers to the ability to farm the fields which are ready for harvesting. You're going to need a team of Pals that can Plant, Water, and Gather the fields in that order. Its symbol is the pair of dark green leaves.


If you're tired of lumbering to source your wood from the wild, you can build a Logging Site and assign Pals to chop down the trees for you. This can stack up quickly, so be sure to keep a chest nearby. It uses the three lumber icons.


Similar to logging, you can automate your Stone production by building a Mining Site and assigning Pals with the Mining ability indicated by the Pickaxe icon.

palworld all jobs mining
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Credit: Pocket Pair Inc

Medicine Production

Your pals can get injured, depressed, or develop various disorders. You're going to need medicine for these, and it can be painstakingly long to produce at the medicine bench. Get a Pal who has the Medicine Production ability indicated by the light green bowl.


If you need Cooler Boxes to keep your food fresh or Chillers to survive the heat, you need Pals with ice abilities to cool things down. It's indicated by the light blue snowflake icon.


One of the most important abilities, Transporting transfers all your produced goods from their production centres to your storage boxes. It's indicated by the brown box symbol.


Farming refers to the ability to be assigned to the ranch and doesn't have to do with the plantations. A Pal with Farming skills can be assigned to the Ranch and will produce items such as wool, eggs, and fur there.

Those are all the jobs in Palworld and what they do. Hopefully, you're now ready to set up your base and automate the finest Pal-powered production line. While you're here, be sure to check out how to cook and all of the Pal variations you can obtain.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Palworld page.