Six Days In Fallujah - Will it get crossplay?

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A group of military soldiers, including two near a house, discussing the crossplay feature in the game "Six Days In Fallujah."

Six Days in Fallujah, the immersive tactical military shooter that aims to recreate the intensity of the Second Battle of Fallujah, has garnered significant attention for its realistic depiction of one of the most intense battles of the Iraq war.

Now available on PC via early access, players are curious about the potential for crossplay and the ability to engage with others across different platforms. In this guide, we will shed light on these aspects.

Currently, Six Days in Fallujah is only available on PC, having been released recently. However, the good news is that the game is set to be released on consoles next year, expanding its availability to a wider audience

Does Six Days in Fallujah have crossplay?

Currently, Six Days in Fallujah is only available on PC, having been released in early access on June 22. However, the good news is that the game is set to be released on consoles next year, expanding its availability to a broader audience

In terms of crossplay, the developers have expressed their intention to prioritize the feature for the full release of Six Days in Fallujah. A comment from one of the developers on the Steam forum confirmed their commitment to implementing crossplay features, indicating that players can look forward to engaging with fellow gamers across various platforms in the future.

When does Six Days in Fallujah come out on console?

As of now, the specific release dates for consoles have not been announced 0 though we do know the console version is set to launch alongside the full release for PC, expected sometime in 2024. Versions for both the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S have been promised.

As the game evolves and expands its reach, we will update this guide to ensure you stay informed and ready for the intense multiplayer battles of Six Days in Fallujah.

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