Does skull and bones have cross-progression?

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a character pointing towards a ship in skull and bones
Credit: Ubisoft

Does Skull and Bones have cross-progression? That's one question on the minds of players preparing to set off on their pirating journey.

Skull and Bones is available on several platforms and players can play it on Windows, PlayStations, and Xbox. Due to its multi-platform availability, a question arises among the players. Does Skull and Bones offer Cross-Progression? Because no one wants to lose their progress while changing their gaming platform. So here is the answer to your search.

Before answering that question, it is better to have insights about what cross-progression means and how it affects the gameplay. Understanding the term will help players acknowledge the answers. Cross-progression is a feature that enables players to play any game on multiple platforms without losing their progress.

What is Skull and Bones cross-progression?

During the gameplay, players can log in to their accounts to save their progress and then use the same account to track their progress on other platforms. This feature hence saves the players from restarting again and again and helps them continue from where they have left previously.

Does Skull and Bones have cross-[rogression?

Yes, Skull and Bones offers cross-progression to the players. It means your pirate voyage will not be affected even after changing your gaming platform. Most of the players contain multiple gaming consoles and they do not want to start their game again after changing it. With this feature simply enabled, not only players will save their time, but also the additional struggle.

Cross-progression works due to the cloud-based saving mechanism that automatically saves progress. It means, there is no need for the players to struggle anymore, and their expedition in the Indian Ocean will remain unaffected. To ensure cross-progression, you will need to set up an account that will save all the game progress and data.

How to Save progression in Skull and Bones

To save your pirate journey, make sure to create a Ubisoft account before starting the game. This will guarantee that your progress will remain unaffected if you change the gaming platform. For example, if you are playing Skull and Bones on Xbox and have gone halfway through the journey. For some reason, there is a problem with the current gaming setup and you are going to change it. How will you get your progress back?

The answer is simple, use your previous Ubisoft account that has been used to play Skull and Bones on Xbox. It contains all the previous progress and you do not need to worry about it anymore. Luckily the procedure will remain the same whether you are switching from PlayStation, Xbox, or Windows. However, it is important to ensure to memorize the game account password, because there is no way to recover the game progress if you are not using the same account.

Hopefully, this guide has addressed your inquiries regarding cross-progression in Skull and Bones. For additional helpful tips and strategies, check out these guides on how to name ship and Infamy Ranks.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Skull & Bones page.