Is Spider-Man 2 co-op?

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An image of Peter Parker from Marvel's Spider-Man game.
Credit: Insomniac Games, Sony Interactive Entertainment

Wondering about Spider-Man 2 co-op? Marvel's Spider-Man game has been a massive success since its release. It's no doubt that it would turn up a sequel, which has already been confirmed two years ago. While the first game is known for its single-player story, players have been wondering if its second game may consider having co-op gameplay.

In this guide, we'll break down whether Spider-Man 2 is due to have co-op gameplay or not. Given it's geared around the new partnership between Peter Parker and Miles Morales, it's worth digging into.

We've put together a dedicated Spider-Man 2 hub for everything you need to know about the game! We've covered combat tips like how to web enemies to a wall and perform finishers, as well as fundamentals like how to fast-travel.

Is Spider-Man 2 co-op?

Sadly no, Spider-Man 2 will not feature co-op gameplay.

Back in 2022, Miles Morales' voice actor, Nadji Jeter, shared information about Spider-Man 2, along with teasers of co-op play. In a panel from SacAnime Summer 2022, Jeter answered a few questions about Miles Morales' roles in the game. During the Q&A portion of his panel, he was asked if players would be able to team up as Miles and Peter Parker. Jeter responded, "I don't know if it's been announced or not, but I think so."

An image of Miles Morales from the Marvel's Spider-Man game.
click to enlarge
Credit: Insomniac Games, Sony Interactive Entertainment

That answer from Jeter sent fans of the game franchise into excitement and hopes for co-op play in the wildly popular Spider-Man game. However, these teasers were shut down by a tweet from Insomniac Games.

The developer confirmed on Twitter that Spider-Man 2 is an "epic single-player adventure," so what Jeter teased before last year is now invalid in terms of co-op gameplay. But it's still possible for players to play as the two web-slinging characters in this Spider-Man sequel.

Therefore, you'll be focused on single-player action in Spider-Man 2, instead of a co-op adventure. This makes sense, given the history of the franchise and Insomniac's games, but it does dash fan dreams of swinging and web-gliding across New York with a friend in tow.

That's pretty much it on this guide on Spider-Man 2 co-op gameplay. For more info on the game, find out where you can spot some of the game's key locations like Aunt May's grave and the Big Apple Ballers stadium. If you're a trophy hunter on the prowl for the Spidey platinum trophy, you'll need to know where those locations are!

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Spider-Man 2 page.