How to beat the final Kraven boss fight in Spider-Man 2

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Spider-Man 2: Kraven the Hunter
Credit: Insomniac Games
Spoiler warning: this guide contains spoilers for the plot of Spider-Man 2

Struggling to win the Kraven boss fight a second time in Spider-Man 2? You're in luck, as we've got all the information on how to beat the final Kraven boss fight, with tips and tricks on how to deal with his attacks and details on each of his different phases.

You'll have previously faced and defeated Kraven before this fight. Leader of the group known as The Hunters, Kraven is one of the game's two main antagonists. This fight has some unique twists and surprises in it, so stick with us to find out what to expect when you face off against Kraven for the final time.

For more Spider-Man 2 content, check out our walkthrough hub for all things Spider-Man. From there, you'll be able to find guides such as how to change the time of day in-game and how to do different tricks while you swing through the streets, so you can look as stylish as possible traversing New York City.

Kraven the Hunter and Venom from Spider-Man 2
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Credit: Insomniac Games

How do you beat the final Kraven boss fight?

One of the biggest twists of Spider-Man 2 is in the final Kraven encounter, as you'll actually be playing as Venom instead of Spidey for this fight. At this point in the game, your Spider-Man will have more health and abilities than Venom does in this fight. However, Venom has good resistance to Kraven's attacks and will take much less damage than Spider-Man did in the previous fight.

Also, Venom's basic attacks are fast and deal a high amount of damage, making this fight a lot easier than when you fought Kraven last time. Additionally, Kraven has come to the fight alone. Without his hunters alongside him, he's unable to use the aerial bombardment attacks from earlier in the game.

Venom and Kraven the Hunter in Spider-Man 2
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Credit: Insomniac Games

Phase one

In this fight, Kraven is now wielding a spear with a shield. He's also retained the ability to turn invisible, although he'll be using the ability less frequently this time. Unlike last time, Kraven's strikes don't do much damage: you'll only lose 9HP when he hits you with his spear. With a 100HP health bar, that means you'll be able to take 14 hits from Kraven before you go down, which is rather a lot compared to other boss fights.

Similar to the last time you faced him, Kraven will have two health bars you'll need to smash your way through. This time, however, he'll be sporting a brand new moveset. He'll likely initiate combat using his spear dive, which you can interrupt using a basic attack while he's in the air. His other attack is a combo of spear swings, which you can block to prevent taking damage. Wait for the pauses in his combos before you start to swing back

Kraven also has the new ability to use his shield as a flashbang that will blind you. While you're blinded, Kraven will teleport away onto a raised platform to use his rocket launcher. Here, you'll have to deflect his rockets back at him to destroy the platform he stands on. He'll fall back to the ground, and you can continue fighting as before.

Try to swing your basic attack whenever Kraven is staggered, completing a full combo deals damage equal to 20% of Kraven's total health. As you only have two symbiote abilities as Venom, you'll have to make use of your basic attack if you're to defeat Kraven.

If you're looking for other ways to get damage in against Kraven, you can throw the grenades he sometimes drops back at him. When a grenade is on the floor next to you, use L1+R1 to pick it up and throw it back at Kraven. This attack does a fair bit of damage as well and is definitely worth utilising during the fight.

Kraven the Hunter and Venom from Spider-Man 2
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Credit: Insomniac Games

Phase two

As you begin phase two, it's clearly established that you have the upper hand in the fight. Kraven seems to know he's about to be defeated. As a result, Kraven has no new attacks or moves in phase two. More to the point, his basic attacks don't get faster like they did in the previous fight, or deal any more damage. There are no differences in this phase, which makes the fight all the more tragic.

One thing to note here if you weren't already aware of, is the fact that you can still heal when playing as Venom. By pressing down on the d-pad, you'll be able to regenerate your health at any time during the fight. Given how little damage Kraven does, it feels almost unfair that you can heal yourself as well.

Kraven the Hunter kneeling in front of Venom in Spider-Man 2
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Credit: Insomniac Games

As phase two fights generally go, this one will feel quite underwhelming. Kraven is clearly battered and worn out throughout phase two and seems to have given everything he can already. You'll have no trouble dispatching him in phase two if you beat his phase one form, and a chilling cutscene will bring Kraven's role in the story of Spider-Man 2 to a close.

That's everything there is to know about how to beat the final Kraven boss fight! For more Spider-Man 2 guides like this, why not check out how long the game takes to beat, or what is the maximum level in Spider-Man 2? We've also got guides on how to air yank and how to perform finishers, so you can perfect your fighting skills.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Spider-Man 2 page.