How to crouch in Spider-Man 2

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Spider-Man looking off-screen near the viewer

Prefer to keep things stealthy despite the brightly-coloured suits of Spider-Man 2? The web-swinging menace may enjoy the spotlight and one-liners, but keeping low to the ground is perfect for stealth. In this guide, you'll learn how to crouch in Spider-Man 2.

In the first Spider-Man game, stealth was mostly achieved by staying above enemies and purchasing suit powers and modifications. Miles definitely had the advantage over Peter in this regard, with his powers literally letting him turn invisible, but neither one of them could actually crouch.

While you're preparing to strike your enemies from the shadows, find out if the game is co-op, and learn who you'll be going up against with our list of every confirmed villain in Spider-Man 2. All of this and so, so much more is contained in our dedicated Spider-Man 2 hub!

Can you crouch in Spider-Man 2?

You cannot directly crouch in Spider-Man 2. You're not able to hold any buttons down to make Spidey start crawling amongst his enemies, but there's a superficial crouch that can be done while you're in the open world.

Spider-man perched on a ledge overlooking the city
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You're not able to crouch around enemies, but can perch on buildings.

How to crouch in Spider-Man 2

In your web-swinging and web-gliding adventures, you'll find yourself standing atop many buildings. While there are no gargoyles to perch on, any building topped by ledges can let you crouch.

Approach the edge of buildings and press down on the right stick (R3) to perch on a ledge. This will let you see more of your surroundings and have you ready to launch into action if any crimes begin on the streets below. As an added bonus, crouching on the edge of buildings will let you roleplay as a superior superhero! Yes, I'm still talking about Batman.

That's everything you need to know about staying low with a crouch in Spider-Man 2. While you're here, find out how to skip cutscenes so you can get back to the action even, and find out how to fast travel since it's changed since the first game.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Spider-Man 2 page.