How to find Spider-Bots in Spider-Man 2

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Spider-Man 2 Gwen Stacy themed spider-bot

When the bad guys are dealt with and the city is saved, there's nothing quite like a bit of collectible hunting in Spider-Man 2. One group of collectibles, the Spider-Bots, aren't usually marked on your map - this guide will explain how to find Spider-Bots in Spider-Man 2.

These funny little robots have a surprisingly direct connection with the Spider-Verse movies, with each robot looking a bit like one of those movies' characters and even sharing their names.

Before we reveal how you can add the Spider-Bots to your map and collection, check out our other guides. We can help you run on water, solve the door puzzle in Dr Connors' house, and there's plenty more where they came from in our Spider-Man 2 walkthrough hub.

Spider-Man gliding towards the viewer
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Credit: Insomniac Games
Some Spider-Bots can only be snatched if you're gliding.

How to find Spider-Bots in Spider-Man 2

If you're trying to start this collectible hunt as soon as you begin the game, you may want to reconsider - some of these pesky robots are only accessible when you've got the web glider and other traversal abilities.

The bots themselves are a tricky collectible; you'll probably notice them if you're in the area thanks to their big glowing aura, but Spider-Man 2 has a huge map. It's a huge map you can fast travel through very quickly, but it'd take hours to swing around finding these little robots without a little help.

Thankfully, the game provides this help when you open the Suit Tech skill tree and navigate to the Traversal tab. The All-Seeing ability can be unlocked for six hero tokens and 255 tech parts. It's advertised as showing you where to find tech crates, but has the added bonus of marking Spider-Bots on your mini-map.

Spider-Man 2 standing near a spider-bot with the minimap showing its location
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Credit: @Ayokrob on Twitter
Unlocking the All-Seeing skill will reveal Spider-Bots on the mini map.

You'll still need to do plenty of exploring, but will now see a pink spider pop up on your mini-map whenever you're close to a Spider-Bot. Collecting all of these will treat you to a cutscene, trophy, and several tech points. It's definitely worth the effort!

That's all you need to know to begin your collectible hunt. Before you jump into the action, check out our review of Spider-Man 2 and our other guides - we can teach you how to swing kick and even skip puzzles.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Spider-Man 2 page.