League Of Legends Tier List | The Best Champions Right Now

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Credit: Image via Riot Games

The current League of Legends Patch Notes are for game update 11.22 and at the time of writing the game has over 155 champions; with Vex being the latest addition to the mid lane.

While there are so many champions to choose from, all with their own unique abilities, there are some that stand out above the rest. Naturally, we pulled together The Best League of Legends Champion For Beginners into a handy list; but they're not necessarily the best champions in the game if you're more experienced.

Depending on what skill level you are in, some may do a great job at beating opponents but are ultimately outmatched in the current meta. While it's tough to list all champions, considering there are so many, we'll highlight the best ones considering there are so many. We'll also state the reasons for which these champions are witnessing increased play-time among the professional players in the game.

Of course, this could change with the impending release of LoL Patch 11.23, so you need to keep checking back for updates.

For now though, here are the top five best champions to use in League of Legends for each role.

League of Legends: Best Champions For Ranked Play

Top Lane

  • Wukong
  • Dr. Mundo
  • Garen
  • Nasus
  • Shen

The Top-lane has been a barren island with next to no changes in the meta. Tank-engage-based champions pick like Garen and Dr. Mundo have been rising in popularity as they provide reliable tanks for the ally AD carry and help tremendously in the team fights.

Picks such as Nasus, Wukong, and Shen have also been the choices to counter the tank meta and bring more damage onto the table to counter them. If some teams want to secure late-game insurance in the form of a top-lane tank, they might have to lose the lane and risk losing top-side priority.


  • Warwick
  • Zac
  • Amumu
  • Shaco
  • Master Yi

The Junglers in the current meta has been all about the champions who can clear their jungle camps quickly and snowball their leads to the various objectives of the map. Therefore, Warwick, Zac, and Amumu have witnessed a lot of play in the professional League of Legends. Items like Turbo Chemtank have received some nerfs in the past, but it shouldn't stop players from using these champions in the game.

Mid Lane

  • Annie
  • Akshan
  • Ahri
  • Vex
  • Yasuo

The Mid-lane has been a home to control mages such as Annie and Ahri taking the podium. They make excellent blind picks to many champions and provide a lot of value in team fights with their CC and damaging abilities. Alongside the newest champion Vex, they scale very hard in the late game, making them solid options for the lane.

Having said that, Yasuo has replaced the enchanter meta presented by Seraphine for a very long time. The amount of healing that she provided could turn a lousy fight into a good one within seconds. However, with the update 11.16's release, Yasuo has found himself being an extremely efficient mid laner. Moreover, flex picks in the form of newly released Akshan have also found their place in the current meta.

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  • Sivir
  • Ashe
  • Miss Fortune
  • Vayne
  • Kog'Maw

Sivir and Ashe are always champions to watch out for in upcoming tournaments. Consistent picks like Kog'Maw, Ashe, and Vayne still hold a firm place in the meta due to their hyper-carry late-game damage.

Many flex-picks like Kai'Sa and Miss Fortune have been used by professional players to scale into the late game. They have been proven equally strong and tilt the meta's position in the game where players have diverse champions to use in the bottom lane.


  • Leona
  • Brand
  • Nami
  • Janna
  • Soraka

Engage-based supports are on the rise as ADCs cannot make the kill threats by themselves. Champions like Leona, Brand, and Nami provide high kill pressure in the early phase of the matches, where the ADC has ample opportunities to get kills and gain the momentum to carry the games.

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