Apex Legends Fans Slam Extortionate Sticker Bundle Price

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  • Apex Legends fans are upset about the price of the new sticker bundle.
  • Apex Legends microtransactions are very expensive compared to other games.
  • Many players are suggesting boycotting Apex Legends microtransactions, hoping that the developers will correct their mistakes.

Apex Legends, a battle royale-hero shooter game, has been facing criticism from fans recently. The game has a new sticker bundle, which many players find to be disgustingly expensive.

A lot of players are unhappy about the price of this sticker bundle. The Apex Legends subreddit is filled with fans raising their voices on this matter. Many players have shared their annoyance, saying they think the price is too high.

Who tf is coming up with these prices? These should be like $4-6 at tops for all 20 of them, not $60. Lay off the crack pipe plz.”, said a Reddit user.

Some players have even compared the prices of microtransactions in Apex Legends to those of other games. Apex Legends’ microtransactions are stupidly high.

A Reddit user said, “That’s why, as stupid as it is, I buy a fair amount of Fortnite microtransactions even though I don’t play it even 5% of the amount of time I do apex,". In contrast, he adds, "but I don’t buy any apex micro transactions. They just charge a non-stupid price.

Apex players are also worried about the loot boxes. Since the players don’t know what’s inside before buying those out, some players think it should be illegal to include them in the game.

Pricing in Apex is by far the most predatory I've seen in any game. My question is tho isn't it illegal now to have loot boxes because its gambling?" speaking on the loot box-like mechanics in the game, "I can't for the life of me understand how Apex is able to continue this practice when it's been forcibly removed from other games,” says another Reddit user.

Some players are suggesting that everyone should boycott microtransactions until the prices are reasonable. Many players think that the developers, Respawn and EA, don’t care about the players; all they care about is making money.

Let’s hope that these voices are being heard and that the developers will soon make changes to the prices of microtransactions in the game.

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